It is just one of the many pieces of (thankfully) constructive criticism I have received as of late. A lot comes naturally to me with regards to what I am and will be responsible for, it is these select few skills however that need to be sharpened and honed otherwise they WILL be your undoing, no lesson has ever been more harshly learned then the day I got fired from Medieval Times.
I was only there for three months as a squire, but even in my first week I knew this was a job I genuinely cared about doing well. It seems however that I did not properly respect the gravity of some of the rules of the show. I understood their importance in the same way a child understands not to touch the stove and only having his mother's word on what will happen i.e he'll just end up touching it anyway, if he's smart he won't do it again but the second degree burns could have been prevented. To make a long story short I was squiring a show like I usually did and I positioned myself where I needed to be for the next segment of the show (my knight was about to fight so I had queues for when to get him his weapon), only my real position was across the arena. Now the main rule (and I am pretty sure the ONLY unbreakable golden rule) of squiring is "never run in front of the path of the horse". They are not trained to stop to let you pass and they will run you right over, endangering their life and probably ending yours. So I knew I had about two seconds to get to my position and the horse he just dismounted from was a good thirty feet away...I should have just taken my black mark on the white board; even though I crossed with the horse well out of my way I had still forgotten the principle of the rule.
I lost the best job I ever had due to a lack of respect for rules and so now that I am actually seeing a career in Community and e-sports as something more than a pipe dream I will burn that memory into my brain to prevent history from repeating itself.
I went on a bit of a rant there, still not used to doing this but I have time to learn. If people find these entries amusing then that's cool, I will try to not disappoint.