Holiday's still great..Practice is still not
Well not true..The PC still gets on my nerves like fuck but I'm slowly adapting and I'm starting to learn how to last hit with this pc..
Again I was slacking and did not write a blog for the practice on the 29th so I'll just do it now and include the practice of yesterday too.
As I said in one of my comments: We are actually winning again^^
I changed my picking completely and now instead of reacting to my opponent's line up I have a line up in mind that I want to draft.
This way I can already tell my mates how it will look like so they can "prepare" and make concrete proposals.
I feel like this helps our play a lot and therefore we started winning again.
For some reason we're still playing teams which had like houndreds of games together in the team matchmaking even though we only had like 20(?) games with this team.
This makes things really hard because they have practiced line ups whereas ours are good but the combinations we have are not practiced at all.
We're still a young team and especially with Long playing hard-carry now it complicates things a lot.
He was playing support with Chippy before and therefore his movements are sometimes still really support like (he's adapting fast though! Gotta love the Chinese <3)
We also played a game against PL and farmed our Kunka up and hey..It does work!
Kunka was owning the shit out of the PL and now we really have something that can fight against the PL (besides the Void) which gives me some more confidence drafting versus the current meta game.
29th? Check!
So why is today's post called NoLuck's list?
Because..I created a list
I wrote down 10 (imo) very good line ups that fit our play style very well and I now brainstorm every night to find out 3 more line ups.
After 1 month I want to compare all of them and choose the 10 best together with my team.
I am not quite sure if I should post them in here because we reveal all our strats but well..If you want to just ask for it and I will post it in the comments then.
Yesterday's practice wasn't too great because we needed a standin for Beana and therefore communication between the supports was a mess.
We only played one game and lost it horribly.
We owned the fuck out of their team but completely forgot about the naix free farming for 30 minutes and then showing up with an Abyssal and a heart and some more stuff
But whatever..I played Furion and quickly went over to jungling because I was not really confident in being on my lane because of my laggs.
All in all though things worked out well.
Another thing to mention might be that Steelseries refused to sponsor us! Burn them!
No just joking :D Yeah well obviously they don't see any benefits in sponsoring us at that point of time because we are really shit still
But they will regret it! They will!
TI4 incoming! (well..we should probably start with some smaller online cups..Whatever!!!)
Okay..I guess this blog was a bit of a longer one so thanks again for reading and I hope I didn't bore you to death because that's what I constantly do with my team mates!
We always pick Roshan though so we collected enough cheeses and aegises to survive my phases of boredom!
(I can bore and annoy people at the same time..It's quite skillful..)
Questions? Answers!
NoLuck out!