The title is a bit...Challenging I know.
But don't ban me! I can explain!
So yesterday I told you that I played horribly because I was overly tired.
Let's start with the good thing: I slept well last night and I played okayish this practice.
Still...We lost 3 out of 3 games today again.
About 3 days ago Robin asked me to pick other heroes.
I liked to pick very ganking heavy heroes all the time.
So we mostly ended up with me playing the Bounty, Clinkz or Clockwerk on the off-lane plus 2 supports with stuns. (Lion+Lina,Leshrac+SK...)
Then of course some good mid hero (Robin owns on his lane anyway..So I could give him whatever..But his Magnus and QOP was usually the best)
Of course I am very German so I also liked a stable and save late game so I picked carries like Naix, Tiny or Sven.
So now he wanted me to pick other heroes..
"Alright" I thought!
So we went into the games and basically what happened during the draft was a big discussion because I was not quite sure which heroes to pick.
I asked for help and so I picked heroes like QOP or DS off-lane.
I went for a Juggernaut or LD carry.
I also picked different supports so Chippy and Ryan were not that comfortable anymore.
Suddenly we started losing.
I didn't understand..Why did we lose? I did everything I wanted..The line-ups looked fine.
My play wasn't great but as I said today it was okay again.
I started to question my whole skills and I was searching for flaws in my draft.
So I asked for help more and more and the discussions during the drafts rose more and more.
After the discussion we had today I realised this was completely the wrong thing to do though!
Picking other heroes? Great!
Picking 5 new heroes in one game? Bullshit!
So what happened?
The supports:
Ryan and Chippy were not as confident in their play anymore because they played other heroes and the communication between them had to change>>>They did not tp to my off-lane anymore which lead to less ganks and less farm for me.
The carry:
He suffered from the misscommunication between the supports but also picking heroes like Juggernaut or LD means you are not as strong in the late game.
The supports stayed on the lane with him and yes they did ensure he got farm.
But what does it helps without him being able to use it?
This was probably the worst bullshit I ever did..
I am still a German therefore very aggressive (jk) and so I need off-laners that can actually right click.
But what happened?
Yeaaah..So I ended up sitting on my lane and iron-shelling their carry to death.
I mean yeah it did work! I did still "win" my lane and all but then later on I ended up not doing anything because I couldn't gank as successfully.
Also Robin worked together with me a lot to come and gank their carry.
Because I used to have a naturally strong ganker as an off-laner Robin and me were nearly always able to secure a kill.
But how do you snipe on with a DS?
Yeah..It does work of course..But to be honest..A Bounty is a bit cooler right?
It also fucked up the supports because even if they wanted to tp onto my lane and get a kill.
What was I doing? "Wait wait!!! I'll make you faster SD! So you can run in and disrupt him and then..and then..Then I can run in and right click him for 10 dmg!!!"
Well..He played his lane as well as he always did. But what does it help when you come on a lane to gank (mostly mine) and I could not really support him at all?
After these games I lost even more confidence so I picked even more defensive line ups.
So in the end I did not trust my "skills" (it's a shame I call that skill..But whatever ^.^) and mixed my drafting ideas with ideas from the rest of my team.
In the end we had a mix of everything which did not work out at all..Obviously.
So my plan for tomorrow is to leave the ts-channel and just draft a game completely on my own..Until I find back to my style.
When that happened I can discuss with my team again and we should find ourselves on a nice winning streak again.
What do you think about all that?
Have you experienced simillar things as a captain?
NoLuck out!