For some time now, I've been trailing in the shadows of those more successful than I. I wanted to make something of myself, to invent something that would better the world. I believe I've finally achieved this with my newest creation. I plan to bring smiles to children's faces across the globe by ensuring they are never left without a tasty treat to nibble on ever again. Without further ado, Epishade is proud to present:
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Hahahaha I tricked you, for that is just a cooled slab of butter with a stick in the middle of it. Actually I have something much MUCH better than this. Now I know what you're thinking. WTF could possibly be better than butter on a stick? How could one make something so perfect even better? I won't lie, it took me years of hard labor to develop the recipe but I've formulated something even better than the Butterstick. Epishade is once again proud to present:
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TL and gentlelady,
I know most of you are likely in awe of my invention, wondering "why didn't I think of that?" Do not be discouraged. It took me years of work and hard labor to come up this winner. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. Neither was the Butterstick.