What is wrong with washing machines? Could you guys tell me?
I mean, I am back at home. GF left this devil on and it was almost doing a 360 like zangief's ultra. The only thing that was stopping that was the hose where the water goes right trough the drain.
I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one who is fighting vs these kinds of situations. But how I hate to face them in the worst time of the day, which is the moment I just came back from work.
I wish that I could face them like some corny character from the tv show Friends, but nah, I gotta face them as the grumpy old man for "those where the days". Always mad, swearing and moving stuff like I was some sort of blanka from sfiv.
I just hate machines that just spin by their own axis.
and I also hate people that can face the same situation with calm. lol
I think Ryu is a legit matchup. You could try a Shoryuken, see if it stops. Also, I pictured the idea of the washing machine doing a 360. I lol'ed. 5/5 for you, good sir.
A washing machine motor supplies a certain amount of torque to the washing machine depending on the mass of the rotating assembly, distribution and mass of clothes within the rotating assembly, and the speed of rotation. To avoid rotation of the machine itself, this torque must be counterbalanced by an equal and opposite torque resulting from the static friction of the washing machine feet against the floor. If the torques cannot be balanced the washing machine will rotate about an axis of rotation determined by the center of mass and other factors such as the torques supplied by the individual feet on the machine. Since the rotating assembly within the washing machine frequently changes direction, the entire washing machine will seem to "walk" around until the motor stops supplying enough torque to overcome the static friction of the washing machine feet.
Don't envy you at all! Washing machines are strange pieces of equipment, i have never been able to get on with them. I still live at home as rent free lifestyle is imba! But when i am on my own i never use them, always go to someone else's place and ask them to do it, or just buy more clothes until my parents are back.....i can't get used to all the things u have to put into it to make sure it washes properly lol!