I actually like the first 1:00 far more than the rest.
Dunno if you've heard of Guido but look it up! Kinda similar to that.
I really dislike this type of "dubstep", so I cant really give you any feedback. ^^ gl!
I'm by no means a music expert but I can tell you what I liked about this. IMO, you use buildups really well. I'm drawn in. You also have nice layers to the song if that makes any sense. It's like..level 1 sound, nice and simple. Then you transition to a bit quicker through the build up; level 2. And then the plateau, level 3, what you were building up to all along. Here is the faster and more complex sound. These are things I really like in a song. You get roped in and dragged up and up and then bam!!
Thanks for the feedback sorry to the guy that doesn't like "this type of dubstep" I'm not sure what that meant but thanks.
I have been working pretty hard to get better so I am glad you all took the time to listen
Rather abrasive. That's the nature of the beast. Excellent speedups.
Does anything stand out as wrong? Or something in particular I could improve on?
Alright, I listen to an asston of electronic and here is whats up:
First, immediately upon starting, your kick has no punch to it. Its a poor sample and is really lacking in high midrange that it need to not sound like it was recorded out of a cardboard box and cut through your bass and the rest of the mix.
Your melody is just not engaging. Its just not catchy and you are using a realllllly generic stock sounding synth with notes hitting really regularly...its boring and nobody will remember it.
Then your pad comes in, its also really generic, and more to the problem you are running it on a 4 bar phrase which repeats at the same time as your melody line, which makes it much less complex sounding and makes the track sound like its not really going anywhere. There is no long progression.
Ok, then you drop, which is definitely really loud compared to your melody, ok, but maybe a bit too different in volume levels.
Your bass is basic massive stuff, which is alright when you are starting, but know that the genre has moved way beyond this kind of bass. You've got some sort of sidechain going on and that little dinky melody is just getting eaten alive by your wobbles. Not to mention that its energy level just doesn't match. I can see you went in and made a bunch of variation in the bass sounds, but the base pattern is just not holding my attention. It sounds like you just took a bunch of sounds and stuck them in a sequence with a few notes. If you want to do that you need either an extremely catchy melody going or absolutely ridiculous sounding bass, you don't have either. The track just doesn't feel like its going anywhere, and the plodding melody is dragging it there.
That's my constructive criticism. Honestly everyones first dubstep tries sound like this, when you are still concentrating on learning how to make the bass and basic structure stuff. Keep working and make sure to remember the most important part of any track is that it has something really catchy, everything else just supports that.
I honestly really recommend against making really bass centric dubstep, as you are going to need basically a PhD in sound design to produce anything that hasn't been done like 8976906087 times already, whereas a nice hook or neat melodic synth pattern will always be fresh.
Thanks for a honest review. I know a lot of the sounds are a bit generic but like you said it is my first real attempt. I actually made the pads from scratch but they a bit weak too perhaps.
The kick is generic also I EQ'd but maybe I just did that incorrectly.
I am doing a lot of studying into how to mix sounds and EQ as things will improve in the future.
Thanks for being honest and writing such an in depth review I appreciate it
On January 09 2013 23:46 Suspense wrote: Does anything stand out as wrong? Or something in particular I could improve on?
It's not the kind of Dubstep I would listen to but I do like Dubstep. If you are just starting out with this genre its a good start though. It somehow sounds a little bit basic, maybe try making a classic mellow yet heavy Dubstep tune for starters.
Best of luck!
*edit* less is more imo
Gonna timestamp. :20 melody too quiet, then comes in to good volume, and then fades back out. I would suggest just a clean fade into the volume you had. :28 I really REALLY dislike the use of the (for lack of a better term) "wubs" before the drop. If you're doing this type of dubstep, it's dancing music, and this just surprises people. general note, try and get a more catchy melody. Right now it's all drums and beats, and some synths in the background.
at 1:00 the song goes to shit imo, I hate every sound that come out of my speakers. Abrasive is the understatement of the century. You're going to kill someone, it's unlistenable.
I know it's your first song, but there is honestly nothing special about the song. No melody, or anything catchy, random wobbles, and the worst "drop" I have ever heard. If you're going to make brostep, you need to have a catchy melody.
Sorry if this comes off as rude, but you need something that stands out.
Suspence, I don't like your attitude.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm not sure what part of my attitude you dislike though? I have been thanking people in each post for giving me their thoughts. I'm not sure what you mean?