Intro post.
Apparently you need to have them on these sorts of blogs, and I'm not one to buck tradition that hard without good reason.
Who am I?
My name is Thomas Nicholls, but online I go by the handle Novawulfen, or Nova for short. That said, you know it's not just a handle when people call you Nova in real life, and some acquaintances don't actually know your birth name.
What am I trying to accomplish?
At the moment, I'm looking to get into casting of SC2 games, among other things, and possibly doing some writing work, either for my own amusement or for gaming sites, if and when the chance arises.
What do I do?
At the moment, I'm spending time casting games, mostly just replays that I've acquired from the internet, but occasionally I get sent them, and those games are usually the most fun. The ones I get sent tend to be the ones with odd things that happen in them, or that are the closest games imaginable. I've also started doing a regular Monday night show that features deliberately skewed games, such as the 6 player 6 pool game, or the custom maps, or just tiny little tournaments or however many people show up.
What do I have planned?
Mostly organisation. Getting a more regular format for the Monday Madness, doing some more regular casting and poking people to see if I can get more live casting work. I've only been doing this casting thing for a short while now, but it's really caught my interest, and I want to see how far I can go with it.
Your record seems a little patchy of late. When's this going to kick in?
Honestly, at the moment, a good time to starts seems like the new year. I'm not going to be able to do the regular Monday Madness for the second week in a row, as the first one was Christmas Eve and the next one is New Year's Eve, but after that, the plan is to start regular streaming and see what develops from there.
And I look forward to seeing how it goes...