Good on you, CatZ! :D
I managed to quit myself just three weeks ago now. I remember just deciding to quit one morning and did it. I haven't had a craving for two weeks. Even with my dad being a complete asshole and smoking inside in the room next to me hasn't gotten me to relapse. Which is strange seeing as I have a personality that gets very easily addicted to stuff.
In all honesty though, for me smoking for the last year has been more cons than pros and the "reward" I used to get just didn't come anymore. I was having insane migraines every other week, usually ones lasting two to three days all because of smoking. Since I quit, I've had ONE migraine and that was because of lack of sleep.
Best part though; I didn't gimmick myself to e-cigs or nicotine gum or any other shitty marketing way of quitting. I just went cold turkey and I'm determined to fucking stay that way. When I started smoking at 14 yrs old, I didn't know WTF I was getting myself into; I just thought it was being "cool" and "badass".
DjWHEAT's blog about his quitting was actually what got me into the mindset of quitting and Ret's blog about him quitting really sealed the deal.
CatZ; stay strong. Don't give into that asshole Nicotine. Tell him to go fuck himself and that you're done. Like DarkPlasmaBall above said, chewing regular gum made it a hell of a lot easier to manage the cravings in the beginning, especially the ones I considered the most important smokes of the day.
Anywho, thought I'd chip in with my stupid story about quitting. I truly wish you the best of luck in your endeavour and I hope to see you post a blog in the future, telling us that you've beaten one of the most disgusting habits in the world.
Good for your Catz! I too would recommend picking up some other healthy habits to help you out a little bit there, to get you through it all!
I hope your team does well in the Defense otherwise! Would love to see how well Root is doing in the Dota world.
Goodluck CatZ
D: nicotine imba nerf nicotine nao tt
on a more serious note, don't give up ^^
Catz think of the kids we are going to have, and how smoking will affect them! Do it for our yet to be born children!
As you already mentioned, you need an activity that fills up the gap which nicotin and its habit left. I strongly recommend doing 100 push - ups / sit-ups / pull-ups when you feel the urge for nicotin. (You can have many break as you need) With this method i got rid of my bad eating habit.
I am fully aware that it depends on person to person how this method would work, but i am very sure that if you want to get rid of certain habit, you have to force yourself to new habit, otherwise you will end up going back to old habit.
The most important thing is that you need to be devote yourself to other activity that is challanging and need your full focus. AND you need to do this regulary (min is 1 month).
(p.s.: It doesnt have to be 100 push ups, but it should be something that makes you feel aware that this is a small new challange and its goal is making you the person you want to become.)
gl hf!
p.s.s.: The strongest weapon to dealing with bad habit is this one: Do I deserve such a threat from myself? Imo if your answer to this question is no, you should go deeper into yourself and repeat the questioning why you want to do this.
good luck!
And remember: you will be publicly humiliated if you ever smoke another cigarette again!
Fight on man! It's lame being tied to something like cigs and worse yet, a lot of times you don't realize how bad you feel until you quit. I highly recommend trying to do some daily exercise, getting the oxygen pumping throughout your body really helps to overcome almost anything.
About those new 4 minute breaks...sounds crazy, but when my dad quit before I was born, like 20 years ago, he simply kept rolling cigaretts to keep his hands busy.
Maybe if you have rolled up about a few 1000 and look at that pile of wasted money, it will click for longer, if not, you got a few thousand really cheap cigaretts to start again ... win win :D
Easy to say since you were/are sick. Ain't saying shit until you actually do it for longer. Tough-love, but remind yourself of this feeling of determination when you are better and the going gets tougher. Kick some ass.
Big fan of you Catz, good luck on your journey!
(Gogo catz! )
Godspeed, Catz. I smoke, and have quit* two or three times now, for periods ranging from around 3 months to over a year in one case. After about 3 days, the biological drive for a cigarette begins to ebb (the actual time frame for biological recovery can be 3 days to several weeks, I think) and you're doing pretty well. If you've got any habits associated with smoking (ie, eat food then cigarette after) that's the danger zone for starting again in the near term. Just keep an eye on that kind of process, and be strong man. Nicotine is a bitch, but you can dump her if you have the right reasons and good motivation to fight against all the ways it tries to get back in.
Illness is sometimes a good way to start to quit - at least it really underlines in bold why you should quit, and can give you a really strong incentive. (The last time I quit, for over a year, was when I had pneumonia. I couldn't, physically, smoke for over a week while I was in a hospital, with an IV and oxygen tubes. Hard to go outside to smoke when the tubes don't reach and the IV pump doesn't have a long enough cord. Oh, and the nurses would've beat me senseless.) It'll give you a decent start. Just stay the course, stay strong, and ignore any time your body starts to reach for one for whatever reason. Build better habits, and drop the ones that have tobacco attached.
*+ Show Spoiler + Obviously, quitting isn't quite the right word, because I started again later. And am currently smoking now. I think it's largely due to why I started smoking in the first place, as it seems to be what causes me to start smoking again even after a long time without smoking.
I don't know if this helps at all, but when my grandpa quit smoking cold turkey, after 40 some odd years doing it, he picked up eating sunflower seeds and cashews in its place. This helped him fill those voids of time where he would usually be smoking, so maybe you could do something like that in between games ^^. Gogogo CatZ fighting~
DO IT CATZ! Harvey Specter doesn't lose, don't forget.
What I took from this is CatZ is expecting!!!! Congrats man!!!
good luck CatZ!
Good luck with that, it hurted me to see you light a cigaret between each match on your stream, and cough like an old man.