Things focused on: Macro in the first 10:00, setting up a plan.
Completion of Focus: Was doing bad, after build adjustments back to decent. (48/50 SCVs)
End of Day Placement: Bronze (Top 25)
Alright, I started out the day by practicing my opening a bit then I sat down and laid out my plan and some common problems and such that I've had and how I plan to fix them. (I'm gonna add my plan for record keeping so I can look back later and say "Why the hell did I want to do that?" )
My plan: Start out with a quick expand into 3 barracks with medivacs and stim to attack at the 10:00 mark then to transition into tanks
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order:
(0:00-3:40) Pre-Expo:
(3:40-5:20) Expo:
2 Refinery
2 Barracks
2 Tech labs 1 Reactor
(5:20-10:00) Post Expo:
Armory (aiming for ~6:50)
Starport(Aiming for ~7:50)
Stim (Needs to be started ~ 8:00)
Attack at 10:00
(10:00+) Post Attack: FOR FUTURE CONCERNS AFTER GETTING 50 SCVs IN 10:00
Possibly expand behind the 10:00 attack
Transition to tanks and marines/marauders
Possibly add another starport for vikings if air needed
Continue on with FilterSCs video recomendations
Primary Problem: At the moment I’m having issues getting my SCV count.
Primary Cause: Getting supply blocked
Primary Solution: Figure out timing for building supply depots and transitioning to the double builders/remembering to use double builders.
Secondary Problem: Forgetting to research Stim
Secondary Cause: Just forgetting.
Secondary Solution: Find a link when I have enough min and gas to research Stim at around the 8:00 mark. (for example, after building starport something like that.)
Tertiary Problem: Not adding new units to control groups
Tertiary Cause: Busy worrying about build orders and watching buildings too much
Tertiary Solution: Focus on having camera AWAY from the buildings making things, they know their job and don’t need to be watched.
(0:00-3:40) Pre-Expo:
(3:40-5:20) Expo:
2 Refinery
2 Barracks
2 Tech labs 1 Reactor
(5:20-10:00) Post Expo:
Armory (aiming for ~6:50)
Starport(Aiming for ~7:50)
Stim (Needs to be started ~ 8:00)
Attack at 10:00
(10:00+) Post Attack: FOR FUTURE CONCERNS AFTER GETTING 50 SCVs IN 10:00
Possibly expand behind the 10:00 attack
Transition to tanks and marines/marauders
Possibly add another starport for vikings if air needed
Continue on with FilterSCs video recomendations
Primary Problem: At the moment I’m having issues getting my SCV count.
Primary Cause: Getting supply blocked
Primary Solution: Figure out timing for building supply depots and transitioning to the double builders/remembering to use double builders.
Secondary Problem: Forgetting to research Stim
Secondary Cause: Just forgetting.
Secondary Solution: Find a link when I have enough min and gas to research Stim at around the 8:00 mark. (for example, after building starport something like that.)
Tertiary Problem: Not adding new units to control groups
Tertiary Cause: Busy worrying about build orders and watching buildings too much
Tertiary Solution: Focus on having camera AWAY from the buildings making things, they know their job and don’t need to be watched.
Later one I came back and played a few actual games on the ladder.... they didn't go so good. I was getting distracted from my macro a LOT, by pretty much ANYTHING going on in the game. After 3 games I was almost able to bring it up to par, but I didn't like it, so I decided to step back to an improved version of what I was doing before. It's still a 1 barracks expand, but after the expansion I ONLY get barracks and an engineering bay for upgrades... Ends up being a huge marine marauder push (mostly marines) as I make LOTS of reactors.
So I practiced my easier build a couple times then played a game with it. It was against Protoss and my macro pretty much kicked ass, I didn't get my 50 SCVs, but I had 48 and I was replacing my gigantic marine army as fast as he could kill them. (He did a cannon protected void ray rush and I pretty much kept him pinned to his ramp defending my endless waves of +1 +1 stimmed marines. (I forgot combat shield. )
I would like to say I won because I kept him from expanding and my 4 bases kept me swimmin' in marines but his 2 only allowed so many Void Rays, but honestly he never tried to take a third and just made me destroy all of his buildings when he ran out of money... a win's a win, especially since I'm only focusing on the first 10 minutes so stuff happening at the 30 minute mark isn't that big a deal.
So, now that this has ran really long I'm gonna sum it up by saying I'm gonna stick with my "Holy Crap Marines!" build for a bit to get the hang of macroing while in a game. So until I get the hang of that I'll just be Zap Brannigan "Sending wave after wave of my own men at them until the killbots reach their built in kill limit."