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I wrote the other day in a post that I’m like every other human being; I make a lot of mistakes. Yesterday, I lost my cool (Yes, I broke one of my quotes). I let my anger get the better of me in a situation where I should have stopped, analyzed the situation, and realized that it wasn’t worth my time or trouble getting that upset.
See, what happened (without getting into too much detail) is that I had a disagreement with a loved one who refused to see my side of the argument. I felt disrespected, hurt, angry; and no matter what way I phrased it they refused to acknowledge the way that it made me feel. So instead of just accepting the fact that we were never going to see eye-to-eye, I pushed and pushed, hoping to shed light on the situation for them.
It made me think how far I’ve come in my life and how much further I have to go in learning to LET GO OF ANGER! It’s easy to stay calm, cool, and collected when everything is smooth in life. But when things don’t go your way, that’s when it becomes difficult to keep your cool. It’s an extremely difficult thing to do sometimes, but you’ve got to understand that learning to let anger go is a crucial part of living an honest life.
Stay calm. Stay cool. Stay collected. And never, ever, lose your cool.
With All of My Love,