Not sure how popular this game is but I enjoy it. I see there is a thread for SC2 but nothing for BW???? Come on... pfff.
If enough people get involved perhaps we can create a SCBW thread for Desert Strike 1v1/2v2/3v3 tournaments etc
Personally I am more interested in 1v1.
Here's the version I use.
Desert Strike 2.33
I've got about 20 of them, this is newish and it's the one I prefer. This version is pretty cool! Okay enough about how good it is....
I want to know how good you are.
My account is NeO)LeO on iCCup. I will be there tomorrow... and many days after that. It's 2:25am-ish at the time of me making this post (in the UK, going to bed now).
Eventually my hope is that we can have a DS ladder where people compete and maybe even have huge DS OSLs etc etc, but right now I'll settle for just some more solid opponents
Post here and msg on iCCup to challenge me, the greatest Desert Strike player of all time!
I will update this OP with names of my opponents and the scores of the games (if anyone is serious about it, of course I'm happy just to play casual games with people from TL who can speak English ), if necessary it can be copied and pasted into a more permanent and well constructed thread at a later date.
Who's first?
Reason 0 - 0 ????????
DS would make a killer cell phone game.
omg I played a shitton of DS when I was in Taiwan this summer. No computer with SC2 = play mass english custom games on SC:BW Asia ladder. Granted, they were very crappy versions usually with rigged mass income, but still very fun. Would love to play if I feel like downloading iCCup again haha...
I thought this thread was about the Sega Genesis game. I'll try the SC2 one, seems fun.
I never know which of the custom maps are good. I usually only play StarJeweled with some friends
Don't try the SC2 one
VenomBRA I could recommend lots of fun UMS games, if you you were playing BroodWar of course. I have absolutely no interest in SC2, don't even mention it!
GenesisX iCCup is the easiest thing in the world to download and get working, let's play some DS!
Okay so apparently morning for me is like 7pm for you guys? Interesting.
Desert Strike, anyone O_O ?
Responded to your PM. Lets get more people on this
Agreed! Good games so far, looking forward to the next.
GG random polish guy who said TL was a "shit community" and you are "13 years old", I hope your attitude towards life and your abilities at Desert Strike improve in the future
Come on guys some of you must play Desert Strike on SCBW?!??!
I have a saved replay with opponets using multiple booms and specials, is this possible or hacks ?
at the start of the game, as soon as BOOM MENU pops up, click it and click CLAIM BOOM. its not a hack, just a buggy game that hasnt been updated in years