Do you know those games? You play them for hours , you forget about the time , you can't stop playing because you are way to interested what is going to happen next.The story so good , you feel like you are a part of it.Every tiny bit of the game needs to be explored to get the best experience and when it finally ends you feel a bit sad inside wishing it would of lasted just a bit longer.
Since Dragon Age Origins , i haven't had that feeling and Dragon age Origins came out in 2009. It has been a while.I want to have that feeling again , i have been trying to find it but sadly with not much luck. My last attempt was at a game called heroes of might and magic 5 from 2006 but the story was just bad...so bad , was not even funny.
The game reminded me a bit of warcraft 3 with the cartoony style and the story reminded me a bit of warcraft 3 as well , but just a little bit.
Speaking of warcraft 3.I think i played the campaign like 8 times , it was that good for me , i just could not get enough of the world blizzard has created in the game.
A combination of an rts game with a good story in it is probably the best thing in the world for me. Sometimes i just wish blizzard never made world of warcraft and maybe we would of had warcraft 4 and 5 by now.
Oh yeah. I was hoping Diablo 3 would be THE game to get me sucked in as well but it did not last to long. Could not even bother playing it anymore after i finished the storyline.
Firstly i wanted just to create a blog where i would ask if anyone knows a good game with a nice story where it could keep me playing for hours but i decided to put some effort into it so that we could have a nice discussion as well maybe but anyway , if someone knows any game out there which might be for me , let me know.
Thank you for reading.
fallout 3 will suck you in dont play it man dont play it
Sky fucking rim. If I ever get tired of playing sc2, thats the first game I go to.
On August 08 2012 09:39 LgNKami wrote: Sky fucking rim. If I ever get tired of playing sc2, thats the first game I go to.
I tried it , the game feels like a huge sand box. The story is fairly weak to be honest. Sadly not my cup of tea.
Hm, I wonder how old you are. Mass effect catches me everytime^^.
The first "The old republic" was amazing, could be seen as the true prequell to dragonage. It's graphics are nice too. If you don't mind bad graphic, the first Deus Ex can be very deep. If you have some fantasy left and don't mind lots of reading, you could try the pre-pre-prequell of dragonage, which would be baldur's gate 2. Also Final Fantasy 8 yo!
As for RTSs with good story/atmosphere. First game I really played a lot, warcraft 2. Just a year ago I even finished the orc campaign of warcraft 1, not bad, but since the missions seemed to 100% mirrored I did not care much about finishing humans too. Warwind has some really fancy races, Dune2000 has the great dune universe, but all these are kinda old and you have to be ok with retro games. Since you mentioned Heros of might and magic, the last part that really caught me was 3, but 2 is still it's best part. You could also try Some total war, maybe shogun2 - even though these games do lack a story, you are able to create your own stories withing the game. Edit: Oh yeah, Homeworld! Strange but bewitching and a continous campaign where you keep ur units ressources through the mission (somewhat like warzone2100).
I think atmosphere and mood can be very important too, like watch the fast and furious movies and play need for speed underground 2, like your mind will drift of and write it's own fanfiction :d. If you should have never tried it, play Fahrenheit. It is a bad game, but if you are willing to take part in the experiment it will reward you with a lot of fun^^.
And double Edit: I also look for a game to suck me in again, my hopes are with X-com when it comes out, can't wait. :d
Have you played the classic RPGs? Baldurs Gate1/2, Planescape: Torment, Fallout 1/2, Icewind Dale 1/2, Knights of the Old Republic 1/2, Arcanum. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is also really good.
Oh and you should try Heroes of Might and Magic 3 if you liked the concept and the story put you off. It's generally considered the best one.
oh man dragon age origins was such a great game! too bad the sequel sucked, but also mass effect 1 2 and 3 all had that effect on me those games are so awesome. Oh another game that I thoroughly enjoyed was Final Fantasy X
Civ 3  Unfortunately every time I get away from the game it sucks me back in! Such a diverse, interesting game, yet such a monotonous and laborious one at that.
For me, in my youth, it was Brood War and pokemanz
SC and SCBW campaigns are so good. I just recently replayed them. Heck, I even limited myself to how many peons, units, and tech I could use and try to win.
Torchlight 2 looks good!
Dragon Quest VIII also for ps2. Got pcsx2 and I play that alot as well 
RTS games in general. All of age of empires from the first to the last expansion (aoe3 the asian dynasties and including AoM).
Those games I played for years every single one of them until the next game came out. Starcraft broodwar was the next game I got sucked into and now sc2. Pretty much any game with age of empires related (except age of empires online) I will get super into and starcraft related now of days.
Any other game I can have fun for a couple weeks but then get bored and go back to pure sc2 now of days :p. Although I won't lie if HOTS doesn't come out soon ima go insane.
Civilization 4. My first gaming-related all-nighter was because of it. Started playing it in the evening, and I only snapped out of my Civilization-trance the following afternoon after a whole night and morning of straight gaming. Never again...
Although colonizing North America and Africa as China was pretty fun. Also, I would advise against attacking a walled city on a hill called Sparta, even when you have tanks and rifle infantry against their spearmen and bowmen. It didn't work out very well for me.
Also, Bethesda RPGs tend to be pure crack. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout: New Vegas have all sucked away countless hours of my life. I have over 200 hours in Skyrim. I became a near demi-god in Morrowind. I've spent countless hours deciding which piece of junk to keep so that I don't become over-encumbered in Fallout.
And I have a feeling that Guild Wars 2 will soon suck me in. Playing in the last Beta Weekend gave me a craving that I cannot satisfy yet.
megaman X series and megaman zero series on GBA. those two series were just great, until everyone had to die -_-
Story-wise, I've never met anything comparable to FFVII and Baldur's Gate. Honorable mention to Pokemon which kept me awake until 2AM when I was just 9 years old.
But I'd say that many other games "suck you in". In RTS for example, certain missions can last a couple of hours and you just don't want to leave in the middle of it. It's the power of games in general.
Heroes of Might and Magic III for me right now...
Luckily I at least find Fallout 3/Skyrim type games boring and have given up even trying to play them.