sorry to all of my blogreaders i haven't been up todate or fufilling the promises made in my blog and for that i am sorry i was going into a hard time (first gf ever got me out of video games then broke up with me on six mounth anversery)
but have now come out of it into my rightfull place as a high diamond
with the last post i told you that i would be able to get pictrues for you sorry i can't already sold the scrap and about the sc2 report almost everyone hated i got a B so there
i hope to bring more creatative and helpful content to you more regularly
first of which is i am a high diamond and latly instead of using that 2 300 minerals for gas i have been taking a freaking fast third it is horrably greedy and kinda metagaming but you have to be watchful
of their third and most of the time you can get it up unless they go for somekind of 1 base all in which in that case don't build second don't saturate it which is easily seen because you have three bases more larva you
queens for more creep spread i have yet to meet someone who can beat it with a build i counldn't reasonably have scouted for and held of reasonably (it could be my ability to macro is just mile beyond my oppent though )
i would like your thoughts on this build and if you absulely hate it thats
fine you can tell me that i had hoped to give you replays because i have like 200 games played this season and sould be able to find some replays but sadly most
replays are aginst zerg so many zerg are consently online anyway i will get those to this blog by saturday hopefully earlier unless ladder
decides that my zvz is the only thing i need to work on again i enjoy all constructive comment