Anyway, got up, did stuff, got ready, went to SMTown (Concert in Anaheim for artists of the company SM, which makes kpop).
Posted on TL some, got there, and the concert started!
Most of the songs, ironically, I didn't know the lyrics to. I knew parts of most of them, but I still have yet to learn a kpop song entirely...
SHINee started the night, and then Super Junior, then f(x), and SNSD, and between those 4 EXO (both K and M), TVXQ, and BoA they rotated songs while also mixing in some duets/mixed artist songs. Overall I was really happy with the setlist. They kept each artist in just long enough for us not to lose interest and keep wanting the next round for that artist during the other artist's sets.
Since I like girl groups more, I was really on my feet when SNSD, BoA, and f(x) came on. Everyone decided they would stand instead of using their chairs... but that's ok. They gave me a free glowstick at the door so I just waved that around, basically, for 4 hours while I screamed.
Lots of highlights. There was the part where SHINee took advantage of the raised platform for the first time. The part where there were LASERS. The part where the middle of the stage had FOUNTAINS OF WATER. The part where SNSD came out, in jeans and a white shirt, and you KNEW what was coming but they made us wait...and then, the lights blacked, and IT WAS TIME. For GEE. I think Sunny and Amber are my new biases.
I tried to meet up with anyone I could from TL, but unfortunately I didn't find the only person I was looking for (hall0wed)! There were too many people...
The reason I wanna use a blog is for pictures. Sorry for shitty phone quality.
This is the sign I made for the Korean Music Discussion thread. Sorry, Haxx! T_T. Sadly, I forgot to put the TL horse, and a little part that says "Kpop is ruining ESPORTS" (since there were big MBC logos between some of the songs T_T)
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This is how close I am to the stage, vs the floor, vs the technical area with the cameras and producers. I think if you look hard enough, Moonwrath and hall0wed are in there...
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Potpourri of pictures and SM artists that were close to the part of the stage closest to me. Sorry that some of them are sideways

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Some boy group members serenading some lucky girl! I'd imagine it would take a lot of willpower to not scream while they did that.
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FOUNTAINS. They freaking used water fountains during the songs. The lasers were really cool, they looked random but they were really directed to specific points near the ceiling so as to not blind people in the higher levels.
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This is their big goodbye song with everyone singing. Since that part of the stage got used a lot, I kept throwing up my sign whenever I could in hopes they would get it on camera! I didn't get a balloon, but I did get some confetti to take home.
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I couldn't meet up with hall0wed, but I did find Kiett! When I told her I was near a car they had on display, I didn't realize there were TWO of them on opposite sides of the convention center. So while I was at the back of the Honda Center, she was at the front. Thankfully, I was walking that way regardless to get to the car to get home!
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Overall the concert was the BANG I needed to send off one of the best weekends I've had in a very long time. One to remember ^_^.