What it boils down to is making a reddit post early in the day, and then using every social media outlet I can think of to attract attention to the post. When it's this early, and the post isn't some revolutionary new concept, a picture, or funny in some way, it's difficult to rise to the top of /r/starcraft. I end up pinging community members I kinda sorta know and ask them to retweet my promotions, pinging people on skype for more of the same, and linking everything back to the reddit post.
My efforts to get involved in the SC2 community have been going pretty well, and I thought it wouldn't be too difficult to attract a bunch of attention to something if I went balls to the walls and tapped all my resources, but it's not going as I hoped. It's too early yet to know if this is because of the ungodly hour (11:00am on a Saturday), or it's because everybody's watching MLG, or if people just aren't on social media yet, or if <emo>nobody loves me</emo>.
I'll keep this first post updated throughout the day if anything interesting happens.
At the time of this posting, we're at 13 up votes and 1 down vote, and it's just about 2 hours after initial posting of the reddit spot. (here's a link if you're interested in the post itself)