I'll keep my description of the first few days short since probably nobody cares. They were just a blur of wandering around tourist places and jet lag. My flight left in the evening BST and I didn't sleep on the whole journey so by the time I went to bed I'd been awake for like 30 hours but still only managed to sleep like 3, so that was pretty shitty.
Korean food is really good, I've liked everything I've eaten so far except Tapoki, which was the most spicy thing I've ever eaten. Everyone was telling me "are you sure. This is really spicy." but I didn't care because every time I order something with any chilli I get asked if I'm sure. I guess most white guys have a low tolerence for spicy food. Koreans also have no expectation for me to know any Korean so they're all impressed every time I say hello or thankyou, even though that's 2/3 of my vocabulary. It makes me want to learn Korean even more, someone will probably have a stroke if they heard me ever speak fluent Korean, also I know I'm missing out on so much because of my chobo Korean. Seoul is filled with millions of tiny shops with Korean signs and I want to know what they are.
I went to see the GSL semifinals, but I was so tired that I just turned up for the games (I missed game 1 which was shame) and left right after. It was a pretty surreal experience though, the mysterious studio that I've watched hundreds of hours of and suddenly I'm there sitting 2 meters from Tastosis (you don't see Tasteless' jeans and converse on camera and having MVP and HerO (he's even more handsome IRL) walk right next to you.
Tastosis seemed really friendly, obviously they're really busy casting and running off to the bathroom during the breaks, so the interactions are a bit robotic, but afterwards they were signing stuff and talking to people, I was so tired I just ducked out though. In fact everyone there seemed friendly, it's still a relatively small scale production so all the staff know each other and the players hang around a bit, Wolf, Khaldor and Moletrap were there too eating pizza.
Special shout out to PartinG, he seems to have a bit of a rep for his overconfidence but when he lost he was still hanging around the 'front' area and signing stuff for fans, I'd wish him luck, but obviously he's going to get 2nd next GSL and win the one after because that's how patterns work.
Apart from that I've been pretty boring, I climbed up a mountain and I've done a bit of drinking, but I should get more in next week because I'm moving to Hongdae tomorrow and that's supposedly the university party town. Soju (Jinro brand, gotta represent yo) is exactly like everyone says, it tastes like your vodka after people have been stealing it and watering it down. Its a cheap way to get drunk and tastes better than vodka, but after half a bottle it all tastes the same anyway and at least with vodka your getting twice as drunk with each shot.
I'll be at the GSL finals, probably the Proleague opening and maybe some code A ro3 games so I'll have more stories that I guess people actually want to hear next time.
Also does anyone know what sort of plug converter I need for British to Korean and where I can get one. I have a British to European one and it looks like it'll fit, but I tried and there was a weird buzzing sound and I don't want to blow something up so I took it out. A USB to Korean adapter would also work.