Some background info: I'm a 17 year-old norwegian who goes to a private high school in Drammen, Norway, where I study "Media & Communication". I'm at the end of my first year. My hobbies are obviously in the gaming department, and Starcraft II is something I waste countless of hours on. Watching GSL every day in school while maintaining good grades has become normal. Hear me out, yo.
So there I am. Sitting in the class room as a 17 year-old punk not knowing what I should choose to use 1/5th of my next school year on specializing/working on. This school has connections with TV8 (local TV in this city) and all. I can choose between that, creating a youth company, photography and more.
Too bad nothing is enticing. I suck at photography, and hate that people think they can rate art by a grade. The youth company I was in this year had me stuck in the economy-part of the whole thing, so that turned me off instantly. TV8 just produces content that no one watches (keep in mind that I know this is good to some extent, because of the fact that it's something you should work on multiple times so you can become used to it) and I'm not really interested in the nothingness that happens here either. It might sound like I have picked wrong when choosing to study this, but no. I love this, digital editing and all that jazz is awesome. Editing anything video/photo is also a treat. Multi-cam production is fun to do. I also did find an interest in starting a school newspaper, but no one wanted to.
Then my teacher came and asked me what I had picked. After a small chitchat, and explaining my lack of interest, he began asking me of what I like to do and all, and after trying to coat it with something that doesn't sound to geeky, I landed on E-sports and Starcraft. He asked of how big this is, and if there's something I can do, and I replied with results on how big tournaments are, and the huge community (by the way, thank you guys. You are fudging amazing), he became more and more interested. I was even bringing up barcrafts and thing.
He thought about it and said this (and my enthusiasm peaked (not hard, considering the other choices)): "Why not create a site in norwegian where you spread the word, and cover these events you speak so highly of? If you feel that the amount of work that is put in now is not enough, do it yourself. I know that barcrafts are hard to fix now, but you are able to fix those by next year.
So, here it comes!:
Does the norwegian Starcraft community want a site that covers events, and brings content in norwegian (and english if time is enough)? I know that I should follow the words of Day[9] and my teacher and just do it, but I don't like to take unnecessary action. I feel like we can do more, and that SC2.no is doing fine, but not great. Fudge it, I might even just expand it to multiple e-sports, but I see a way to help out, and it seems great.
I want the cold, hard truth.
If you bring (Create) value to the community, they will come. If it's good quality, of course.
Norway28529 Posts
As a norwegian teacher and long time participant in sc/bw communities, you should do this.
But, you shouldn't expect your project to well, go anywhere major for a long time. The actual reason why you should do this, is because you need to hone your skills, and because you're lucky enough to be in a position where you can do a school project on a subject you actually care a lot about. Most people don't have this priviledge, you should be appreciative towards your teacher for giving you the opprtunity to build an sc2 portal and have it be semi-professionally assessed all while you're just doing school-work.
I understand that this knowledge might kill your motivation, and as such the short-term pedagogical answer would've been to lie to you, but you just need to have a more long-term outlook on the phase of your life that you are currently in. You're not supposed to change the world when you're 17. you're supposed to hone skills and build connections so that you can contribute to making it better in the future.
As for reasons why I can state confidently that you're not going to "go anywhere" with this project for a long time, is that it's just really difficult, period, to become an esports player from the get-go. And especially whilst trying to either cover norwegian sc2 news or international sc2 news for norwegians. 1: the norwegian scene is small, and with a slight exception for snute, rather insignificant. 2: norwegian spectators are very good at english, and thus have little actual need for a norwegian portal for international news.
But you should absolutely do this, and you should be very happy about being able to work on a project so closely related to what you would like to do in the future. And you should give it all you got! :-) good luck.
I think what you dont wanna make is a copy of TL in norwegian. You gotta bring something unique on the table. Post schedules on norwegian only tournaments. Go to norwegian barcrafts and take photos/videoes that you can bring out to the community. Also try to get some interviews with lesser known EU players and perhaps casters that may be the new stars in the following months to come.
.....and if you can somehow get females involved in your community that wouldnt hurt
Finally you gotta make people aware of your site. Spam regular forums and the norwegian SC2 channel so people know who you are and how they can find your page.
Gl and dont listen to Drone. He is clueless
Swede but living in Norway, i'd say that you would have to cater it to the norwegian community in the sense that its a place where they'd actually want to go. sc2.no exists but its fairly inactive afaik. Because Drone is right, Norwegians speak english very well, so your best bet would be to get a site that cover sthe norwegian community especially. Tournaments, players etc. Because like Drone also said, the community in Norway is small, hence it gets 0 coverage anywhere but on Norwegian sites with the exception of TG.
But like youre in Highschool(videregående) or that slacker school that norwegians get after?(Folkehöyskole)
I think some good points were made above and i agree with them! Just as Drone said.
But as mentioned, you should not make a norwegian TL site, as we norwegians good in english are.
Personally, i would love a site covering nordic esports. For example barcrafts, up and coming players (and snute), Dreamhack, the gathering and stuff. Maybe going in depth in these things (and then see how it goes).
I Don't know about anyone else, but i would defiently be a regular on a site covering these things
Good luck with your plans and dont forget to have fun :D
Thanks! :D I think I'll start fooling around and develop the idea soon. Covering the Nordic community happenings should be easier, due to the fact that I can travel around by train and air plane tickets don't cost too much either. The question is if it should be in Norwegian (this will make it a Norwegian-community-centered site if that is the plan) or English for everyone. I do know that the english of Scandinavians is epic, so that might work. Anything else you guys would like to see :D?
Btw yes, Unkkz, High school as in videregående.
Thanks, once again :D!