Anyways, I'm getting back into BW again after a 1 month break, and man it feels good to play again. This game is just magical. Every victory feels emotional and triumphant. Every defeat is a blow to the heart that tears at my insides. It's such a powerful, emotional game. Every battle is a struggle. Every movement of my army is a call to my opponent, "I am ready, are you?"
I've always struggled to move out of the yellow ranks, even though I was able to take the occasional game off blue rank players. My mechanics aren't superb, but I finally feel comfortable executing lategame, macro play. I really want to hit B finally. Skirting at that C+/B- border is so tantalizing and frustrating.
I think my weakness certainly is going to be TvT. I can only avoid it for so long... If anyone knows how to play TvT at a decent level, I would love some help. All I know right now is make tanks, vultures, turrets, and dropships, and expand like a madman.
I would consider streaming my efforts, but only if people really want to watch a foreign terran. If seeing some struggling terran rage hard because goliath AI, then it'd probably be worth me streaming. Let me know if you guys want another BW streamer, lord knows we don't have enough of them these days. I only see one guy on the sidebar as I write this =[
And now I see Sayle is rebroadcasting PL so I should stop writing and start watching. <3 Sayle!
Wish me luck everyone...