For those who wanna read part 1:
In the previous blog I appreciate everyone giving me advice, but please don't tell me how to work out and what I should be doing. I already know how to work out. I know some people didn't read whole thing, they read one thing "working out" and immediately write down their 2 cents about working out. This is a blog about me losing weight and achieving my perfect body, NOT asking how to get my perfect body. I know that the TL health and fitness section is a very good source of information but I don't need it now, maybe in the future. This is a blog about my progress.
So far the workouts have been great. I've been going to the gym regularly with my friend, and its been going very well. I've making good progress since I first started weight training but I have a long way to go. Especially the chest, I remember I couldn't dumbbell bench 27.5 pounds but now I'm doing 35 pounds. Which by the way is fucking amazing!! I was so pumped when after I realized that I just did a set with 35 pounds. I felt like I can lift anything!!!!!!
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Before I used to hate chest and triceps day since I couldn't do much and I felt like I was letting my friend down, who was doing 35+ pounds of weights. But now Im not that far behind him which is good. One day I will surpass him.
Speaking about my friend I've been disputing with my friend about the time we actually go to the gym. I personally want to go in the morning or in the afternoon since it's less people and we don't have to wait for the machines or free weights, especially the bench. My friend on the other hand want to go a little later around close to the evening. In the end we go late -__-. At first it was kinda uncomfortable to go so late since I am use to going early, picking out which treadmill to run on getting the bike, but now since I go at a busy time there is nothing to pick from, you have to fight to get a treadmill.
Even though there is some flaws, working out with my friend is going great. Working out with someone your comfortable with makes workout more enjoyable. Talking, laughing(mostly at other people, yeah I'm bad) and helping each other is awesome. Spotting is important when dealing with free weights, especially the bench since you can't always complete that last rep. Having my friend there makes lifting heavy easier. He knows what he's doing, he corrects me on what Im doing wrong and always pushing me to go one step further. To be honest if it wasn't for him, I would of been doing the same WRONG workout and end up giving up.
So far my workout consist of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mondays I do chest and triceps. Tuesday I do back and biceps. Fridays I do legs and shoulders. Since I'm getting big(muscles) I'm supposed to eat a lot, foods with high protein. BUT the things is though, I'm so use to not eating, dieting, and pretty much starving myself. My friends keeps telling me to eat, but I feel so uncomfortable just eating. But if I want to achieve my perfect body I should listen to him and stop being so stubborn.
So far I don't see any progress(although its been three weeks, too early) but one of my friends says that I've looked different, which is good but like I said I'm stubborn and I want the results now!!!!!
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