Hey, guys can someone direct me to where I could get everything I would need to start making Android Apps?
Want to get back into programming (use to do .net). So yeah. Recommended books too would be helpful.
And yes I've Googled this, it comes back with like 4 different things to download. Is there not a simple 1 program I could download that I could create Android Apps on?
I want to make a game similar to Lost Labyrinth ( Not the Newest Version ) http://laby.toybox.de/download.php3?sprache=1
I will need a program strong enough to code complex algorithms, not basic stuff like true or false games.
Help Me Thanks.
http://thenewboston.org/ Check this out. Front page boasts, "200 Android Tutorials!" Teaches you how to get set up, what software you need, and everything else. Good shit, this guy helped me a lot in my java.
God, why can't they just make 1 single complete development program to download. Gah.
The dev environment for android is really crappy, thats just the sad truth of it, when compared to the iphone or windows phone 7.....especially if you want to write stuff in c++ with the ndk( partly inspired my love for c, and dislike of java and eclipse...and also c++ being more powerful and faster for games).
Your going to need some opengl knowledge, java, and a phone to debug(if your on windows, the emulator runs really slowly for practical debugging).
Getting your basic environment setup will probably take a few hours, do post back if you have any doubts.
On February 11 2012 17:09 dartoo wrote: The dev environment for android is really crappy, thats just the sad truth of it, when compared to the iphone or windows phone 7.....especially if you want to write stuff in c++ with the ndk( partly inspired my love for c, and dislike of java and eclipse...and also c++ being more powerful and faster for games).
Your going to need some opengl knowledge, java, and a phone to debug(if your on windows, the emulator runs really slowly for practical debugging).
Getting your basic environment setup will probably take a few hours, do post back if you have any doubts.
This is true. Though android have made debugging C++ code easier with the newer versions of the NDK.
More on topic: Basicly echoing what other posters have said. Use Java, Eclipse and OpenGL ES 1.0/2.0. And you're gonna need to download the android SDK and the plugin required for Eclipse. Use the android developer website. There's some pretty good tutorials and sample code there that will help you on your way.
United States24514 Posts
I may be going through the same process as the OP in the future. I'm guessing by the time I'm ready all of this will work differently, and I'll need different software though.
Eclipse and the Android Developer's Kit plugin for Eclipse. OpenGL libraries, and google could be hlpeful as well.
To those bashing the lack of C++ development tools: The whole freaking thing is just a JVM, with the JIT compilers and some smart coding you can get as much performance as you need. Eclipse and Java aren't the same as C++ and Visual Studio, but it's hard for me to say that I like objective C more... The iPhone API is really limiting, the tools that google has provided are terrific at what they're intended to do: make developing java apps for a java virtual machine (specifically delvik) using eclipse.
If you're interested in developing in NDK, I would suggest reading this book
There's an ebook version that you *ahem* might be able to find somewhere online
It's a really good book and it'll get you started. It covers setting up your environment as well as openGL and adding additional libraries such as Boost.