I quit playing around the end of season 2 due to a busier schedule. I'd log on and play a quick game with friends occasionally, but unfortunately that was the end. I continued following the scene and watching events/VODs, however.
Unfortunately, I'm starting to lose interest in that too. I just couldn't get into Homestory Cup. I suppose it's because I rarely play anymore, but it's still depressing. I want to stay into it, but I just don't have the interest I once had. As an IdrA fan, I'm sacrificing sleep to stay up and watch him in the GSL tonight, though.
Am I only the one out there? I don't want to lose interest in SC2, but I am. Do you have any idea how bizarre/frustrating that is? :X
For me, playing the game competitively just got too infuriating after a while. I still enjoy watching it though, GSL every night! :D
Watch Brood War as well, it may be a refreshing change from being saturated with SC2.
I took a break over December played only my placement matches and didn't watch many games and now I'm really enjoying SC2 again I think you just need to take a break for a while until SC2 calls you back.
For me it's the opposite, actually. In the beginning I was kinda meh towards the game, but as it evolved through patches and innovations in gameplay, I've been enjoying both playing and spectating more and more.
I know what you mean, though, I've felt like that before (back when the game was really broken). The best thing to do might be to just take a break, and not even think about Starcraft for a while. Or just follow IdrA's games, and cheer for him hardcore. There's no point in forcing yourself to do things you don't enjoy.
I don't play and never played SC2. I am only watching for IdrA. When he finishes his tournament run, I stop watching.
dont feel bad about just move on and come back for an mlg or and idra game why would it be depressing? its more so if you stay just to stay not for genuine enjoyment... need to keep searching for something else then i guess =]
I stopped playing a while ago and missed out season 4, went to play Dota 2. But I just came back and started playing again... for me I play to get good, high ladder rank, and to do well in tournaments. The game itself is quite boring to be honest, but all the competition that revolves around it makes it interesting for me.
This happened to me all the way back in the end of beta. The game is pretty bland and creative play is just so easily punished by uncreative a-moving. Go and play some broodwar and watch proleague. You'll feel better.
I guess I feel the same. Haven't really played much, but I still watch lots of VODs and the like
If you don't want to play, don't play. If you don't want to watch, don't watch. Not much more to say really. Personally, I find between tournaments, playing, watching streams, and all the stuff going on in the community I am never bored. But sc2 is not for everyone. Maybe it's not for you.
On January 11 2012 18:39 Ciryandor wrote: Watch Brood War as well, it may be a refreshing change from being saturated with SC2. ^^.
Brood War is a different game from SC2. You should play Brood War a little then see how nice you have things in SC2.
You don't have to force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy. I recommend playing custom games (I've been having fun playing Hero Attack for a bit) and also try out other games like Skyrim heheheheheh
I play sc2 but not as much atm because of really bad laptop.
I haven't really played sc2 for more than 1year and some months, i just idle in chat channels mostly Teamliquid on sc2 europe And randomly troll people and let people Q_Q about race x op and why, sounds like one big flamefest channel.
Used to be diamond back when only diamond was highest and when master came out i lost intrest in the game and decided only to watch live streams etc tournaments.
My Computer stutters every 5second in game WHICH IS SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING ( Happend after a patch which makes this game unplayable 4 ever.
If you haven't tried broodwar, then play some. I promise it's worthwhile.
After more than year break from it(more accurately year and half) I started to play BW again during x-mas holidays and it feels good again!
Why don't you get back into playing the game? Or maybe more importantly, why did you stop in the first place?
Take a break and chill out. Get back into it when you feel like it - otherwise you are forcing it on you, and that will never be enjoyable.
I still play, on occasion. I mostly enjoy the community effect of this game than the game sometimes. No worries!
Sometimes our focus must go elsewhere and there's nothing wrong with that. We'll be here waiting for you to come back Perhaps next MLG?