Hello one and all. The Tucson StarCraft League is having its third tourney this week! it is in two days!
There is good news and bad news to this up and coming event!
Bad news: *It is not a live event like the last two have been *It is not going to be streamed on Twitch.tv like the past two
Good news: *It is open to anyone Bronze to masters *It is held on Z33k.com so the brackets will be accessible to everyone.
So come one come all, anyone in NA can play*
I hope to see you in the bracket, and possibly winning the whole thing!
Thank you for all your support and love! You help keep the Tucson StarCraft League alive!
♥CholmesInk *No Grandmasters players aloud 
***Sign up here*** OVOpen #3
Yeah, it kinda was made right out of high school, about 40 members but only like 10 are active daily. how can i get connected with the other gamers in AZ? That would be nice to help boost our sponsor support! we don't have a sponsor for this tourney like the last but we would love to connect with all the people in Arizona!
Bummer! I'll be in Las Vegas that day! Ahh well, maybe next time. Have fun all participants!
Wow this is awesome! This year we've also started an eSports Club at the University of Arizona with quite a few active members who play sc2. I'm sure I could find quite a few people who would like to compete! :D
sweet man! thank you very much! OVOpen #4 will hopefully be this summer some time, and i hope to get more sponsors and a live venvue and muitiple good computers! this one is mainly for fun and glory but if you stick around and keep participating with the OVOpen im sure it will blow up! maybe EG would come down and play!
Yeah, I'm down for this tourney FrotchDirec.
Under 24 hours left until OVOpen #3 goes underway! I hope you are regestered! :D