Nice effort! But since you asked for harsh:
-the supplies in the economy tab have no scale -the pie charts in the army tab lie, the circle sizes strongly exaggerate higher supplies (because the actual numbers probably correspond with the radii, not the area sizes; this is a common problem when representing one-dimensional data points with 2-dimensional objects) -the upgrade tab is mostly chartjunk carrying very little actual information, and almost a third of the available space is devoted to it -the symbol explanations on the right are redundant
I think the whole graphic would be greatly improved by rotating it by 90 degrees. In general, horizontal graphs are more comfortable to read, and it also would enable you to properly caption everything without having to resort to vertical text or clunky constructions with symbols (especially in the upgrade area).
Finally, I would like to recommend Edward Tufte's excellent book "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information" to you, THE authoritative work on the subject at hand (it's also a very entertaining read).
Nice, I really like it. At first I wasn't sure, but after a few minutes I fell in love with it. Especially the section on the left, I kind of wish it was more prominent, as I feel that information is more important than say the upgrades.
Was it easy to make? If you could put a replay into a program and it throw this out, it's something I'd actually love to see often. Once you're familiar with this I think you'd see a lot ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
Really creative, nice job.
Now that yo uasked what else there could be in chart, how about link to full source? *whistles* Anyways, looks cool and keep up the good work
A lot of information to take in, but really cool :D
I like the idea but I'm not sure about the execution. It mixes way too many chart types and is not really at-a-glance. Sometimes red is on top of blue, sometimes to the left, and sometimes to the right. Sometimes more bar is better, sometimes less bar is better, sometimes brighter color is better, sometimes line-to-the-right is better. Less importantly, some graphs are cumulative (ex. units killed), while some are per unit of time (ex. income).
Also, upgrades take up way too much of the graphic, and the supply count line is obtuse in meaning (you have to go to the legend all the way on the right side, while for most other graphs the legends are right next to them). There's no need to make headers split color, like "Army Size" and "Units killed". The barracks/factory/starport icons are confusing - I'd rather them be marine/hellion/viking or something.
Some of these are easier to fix than others - like for upgrades, make the line thicker for "more upgrades" rather than darker. But there are some more overarching problems that require a pretty big overhaul, and lots of trial and error with sketches and stuff.
Whoa. My mind is blown; this is a fantastic way to show this information.
Not to be overly picky, but why is TLO's name The Little One, when his gamer tag is now TLO? Also, why is Slayers Boxer represented with his team name, and TLO isn't? Just some inconsistencies you could fix to make the product even better
I can tell the story of the game just from the graph. Never watched the series.
Boxer wins the first fight, but TLO remaxes and gets a stronger economy. Boxer takes out TLO's economy and TLO scares Boxer's SCVs off mining for a second. Boxer wins through economic power. Lots of harass this game.
How close am I?
wow great job! maybe make the entire thing bigger?
This is really cool, I think that it is such a sweet representation of the game. It took me minute to understand gas and minerals but it makes sense now that I know.
I still dont get it, so confusing for me but others seem to get it so good job!
Yeah this is great. I would like to see some of this in good casting performances
i have to no idea what is going on in this picture, and it makes me feel really stupid
Holy shit dude that's impressive.
On December 02 2011 05:57 Mao wrote:
I think the whole graphic would be greatly improved by rotating it by 90 degrees. In general, horizontal graphs are more comfortable to read, and it also would enable you to properly caption everything without having to resort to vertical text or clunky constructions with symbols (especially in the upgrade area). .
Agreed. Conventions say that, as an independent variable, time should ALWAYS be the x-axis. That's part of the reason why I think so many people are confused by this graph, since its not laid out like most people are used to. It's also partly why some people like it since it is "different." But that doesn't make it easier to read.
can there be an apm graphic in there somewhere?
Only problem I can see is the lack of map name. APM would also be insanely cool if stat if blizz hadn't messed it up so hard.
Besides that, its fucking awesome!! Great job
Thanks for bringing this to us. I have lots of respect for you work!