Sooo I'm bored. Trying to find a new MMO to play. I've played WoW off and on for many years and it is getting just super repetitive. A new 'serious' mmo would be awesome, but I don't want to get into some late like L2, EVE...
The idea of an MMOFPS would be pretty sick but I assume they are all failures, I guess the best so far would be Tabula Rasa.
So just googling around here are some ideas I have so far...
Age of Conan: Seems decent - not sure how big the player base is; but it also seems a lot like WoW.
Global Agenda: Kind of an MMO, I played it during beta and don't really remember why I stopped. I remember it being just a more complex TF2.
Vindictus: No, not what I'm looking for
Final Fantasy IXXIXIXIXXIXIXI (the new one): Haven't ever played a FF MMORPG, will probably give it a shot.
Guild Wars 2: Of course, the holy grail, I love PvP and I want this game NOW!
Tera: Now even sure if its out in US yet, I know its been out in Asia forever. Kind of just looks like another animey good graphics shitty gameplay game.
Lineage 2: Loved the game, kind of dying and way too botty.
Any ideas? I love PvP, PvE is fine too as long as its a challenge.
well l2 will be free starting from November's 30, with the new expansion goddess of destruction. i didnt touch l2 since 2008 but it seems to way more "noob" friendly these days, i got a char to lvl 18 with a couple of hours, this used to take at least a day if u fresh start. and another fact for l2 after servers merges and the announce of its been free a lot of PLAYERS came back to the game and it seems to be pretty funny now :D i walked around with my "high level(78)" char and didnt saw those bot lines every where anymore. of course that bot's will ever exist, but they are way less now. and u can lvl up till 90+ guess caps is lvl 99 now or no caps lvl
Rift is still relatively new. I played a character to max level before I remembered that I don't like MMOs. It's a good one too, really does some interesting things with the class system to get extra flexibility and replay value out of each character.
Plus, something WoW lost a long time ago: world PvP!
SWTOR beta NDA has been lifted a few days ago, you can check out a bunch of videos on youtube (jesse cox does some seemingly decent level 1 to 5 play throughs for all classes, totalbiscuit has a view vids up). The downside is you probably can't just go and play it, but you could try to get into the beta, maybe there is some way? or if you're not in a hurry, wait for release.
On November 25 2011 03:54 CCitrus wrote: Rift is still relatively new. I played a character to max level before I remembered that I don't like MMOs. It's a good one too, really does some interesting things with the class system to get extra flexibility and replay value out of each character.
Plus, something WoW lost a long time ago: world PvP!
I played Rift to 25 or so.... It was too "clunky"... But yeah it was decent. And wwyyyyyy tooo much aggro.
On November 25 2011 03:55 MisterD wrote: SWTOR beta NDA has been lifted a few days ago, you can check out a bunch of videos on youtube (jesse cox does some seemingly decent level 1 to 5 play throughs for all classes, totalbiscuit has a view vids up). The downside is you probably can't just go and play it, but you could try to get into the beta, maybe there is some way? or if you're not in a hurry, wait for release.
I got accepted into Saturdays beta...but the thought of a mmo based after a movie doesn't really appeal to me.
On November 25 2011 03:33 SCDPetrify wrote: Sooo I'm bored. Trying to find a new MMO to play. I've played WoW off and on for many years and it is getting just super repetitive. A new 'serious' mmo would be awesome, but I don't want to get into some late like L2, EVE...
The idea of an MMOFPS would be pretty sick but I assume they are all failures, I guess the best so far would be Tabula Rasa.
So just googling around here are some ideas I have so far...
Age of Conan: Seems decent - not sure how big the player base is; but it also seems a lot like WoW.
Global Agenda: Kind of an MMO, I played it during beta and don't really remember why I stopped. I remember it being just a more complex TF2.
Vindictus: No, not what I'm looking for
Final Fantasy IXXIXIXIXXIXIXI (the new one): Haven't ever played a FF MMORPG, will probably give it a shot.
Guild Wars 2: Of course, the holy grail, I love PvP and I want this game NOW!
Tera: Now even sure if its out in US yet, I know its been out in Asia forever. Kind of just looks like another animey good graphics shitty gameplay game.
Lineage 2: Loved the game, kind of dying and way too botty.
Any ideas? I love PvP, PvE is fine too as long as its a challenge.
Lineage 2 actually is transferring to a free to play model just today! On the 30th the revamped levelling will be patched in. People say it's very much accelerated even now and L2 had generally decent PVP, so out of those games you've mentioned I'd check out L2 and see if the game as it is now appeals to you..
I hate to be that guy(because I love MMOs) but you should give up on new MMOs, at least until this "make everything shiny and good looking and fuck gameplay, copy everything!"-era is over. They are, right now, all the same bullshit in different shape.
On November 25 2011 03:33 SCDPetrify wrote: Guild Wars 2: Of course, the holy grail, I love PvP and I want this game NOW!
If you are waiting for GW2 because of the PvP I'd recommend playing GW1 or DaoC instead. Everything that made PvP in GW good is taken away in GW2 and replaced with typical MMO stuff that you see in every other game, whereas GW1 is still awesome and DAoC has one of the best PvP I've ever seen.
Guild Wars 2 will have huge PvE content, but the PvP really lacks quality as the strategic features are very limited now and the new battlesystem just lacks everything that doesn't include spaming one button.(I know I will get again a lot of hate for this, but I swear I'm not looking for a huge discussion on this.)
Basically this:
Tera: Now even sure if its out in US yet, I know its been out in Asia forever. Kind of just looks like another animey good graphics shitty gameplay game.
Applies to any other new MMO thats coming out as well. It's just what sells, having good gameplay mechanics is just not important to everyone anymore, but whether the game looks good or not definitely is. So this is what devs focus on. The beginning of this video sums up pretty good whats going on(you don't have to watch everything as it really sums up the whole thing lol)
So yea, for PvP I'd recommend Guild Wars 1, DAoC and Lineage 2. If you'd also likegeneral grinding or PvE fun go for Ragnarok Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest 2... And I guess Lineage 2 has some pretty decent PvE as well(at least for my taste.)
EVE online is also very active, you can totally get into the game still!
There's also fallen earth that has the best of both sites, but it recently went F2P...(Another proof that innovation doesn't sell)
I'd also recommend WoW because it is fun until the max level, but you already played it ..soo.. xD
On November 25 2011 03:55 MisterD wrote: SWTOR beta NDA has been lifted a few days ago, you can check out a bunch of videos on youtube (jesse cox does some seemingly decent level 1 to 5 play throughs for all classes, totalbiscuit has a view vids up). The downside is you probably can't just go and play it, but you could try to get into the beta, maybe there is some way? or if you're not in a hurry, wait for release.
I got accepted into Saturdays beta...but the thought of a mmo based after a movie doesn't really appeal to me.
It's not based after a movie, but if you're looking for PVP primarily then I wouldn't recommend SWTOR, at least in its current form.
On November 25 2011 04:01 KeksX wrote: I hate to be that guy(because I love MMOs) but you should give up on new MMOs, at least until this "make everything shiny and good looking and fuck gameplay, copy everything!"-era is over. They are, right now, all the same bullshit in different shape.
On November 25 2011 03:33 SCDPetrify wrote: Guild Wars 2: Of course, the holy grail, I love PvP and I want this game NOW!
If you are waiting for GW2 because of the PvP I'd recommend playing GW1 or DaoC instead. Everything that made PvP in GW good is taken away in GW2 and replaced with typical MMO stuff that you see in every other game, whereas GW1 is still awesome and DAoC has one of the best PvP I've ever seen.
Guild Wars 2 will have huge PvE content, but the PvP really lacks quality as the strategic features are very limited now and the new battlesystem just lacks everything that doesn't include spaming one button.(I know I will get again a lot of hate for this, but I swear I'm not looking for a huge discussion on this.)
Tera: Now even sure if its out in US yet, I know its been out in Asia forever. Kind of just looks like another animey good graphics shitty gameplay game.
Applies to any other new MMO thats coming out as well. It's just what sells, having good gameplay mechanics is just not important to everyone anymore, but whether the game looks good or not definitely is. So this is what devs focus on. The beginning of this video sums up pretty good whats going on(you don't have to watch everything as it really sums up the whole thing lol)
So yea, for PvP I'd recommend Guild Wars 1, DAoC and Lineage 2. If you'd also likegeneral grinding or PvE fun go for Ragnarok Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest 2... And I guess Lineage 2 has some pretty decent PvE as well(at least for my taste.)
EVE online is also very active, you can totally get into the game still!
There's also fallen earth that has the best of both sites, but it recently went F2P...(Another proof that innovation doesn't sell)
I'd also recommend WoW because it is fun until the max level, but you already played it ..soo.. xD
I know Cabal Online is old but it's still a good MMO in my opinion. I had many fun years playing Cabal. Flashy graphics, and a 'challenging' combo system that makes a big difference in PvP (but of course, gear still matters).
On November 25 2011 04:11 SCDPetrify wrote: daoc looks pretty cool... how's the player base?
The EU and NA servers just merged, so it got a little bit laggier(not too much though) but much more competetive in the RvR!
The PvE is pretty ...well, it is there but you have to organize yourself(players already do, you can get M10 raids etc at least once a week). But PvP is 100% active still.
On November 25 2011 04:36 kierpanda wrote: A lot of my friends are starting to play SWOTR and Dragon's Nest.
:< I work in the MMO industry, so I can't look at MMOs as non-work
I work on a game that's sort of like Monster Hunter, but it won't be out 'till next year. It's called RaiderZ.
I cannot imagine how the monster hunter concept would work with MMO mechanics other than to just call it MMO and make it a shitfest of instances like vindictus or something.
Care to elaborate? It might help the OP, so it's not that offtopic. (Implying that you are allowed to, obviously)
On November 25 2011 04:36 kierpanda wrote: A lot of my friends are starting to play SWOTR and Dragon's Nest.
:< I work in the MMO industry, so I can't look at MMOs as non-work
I work on a game that's sort of like Monster Hunter, but it won't be out 'till next year. It's called RaiderZ.
I cannot imagine how the monster hunter concept would work with MMO mechanics other than to just call it MMO and make it a shitfest of instances like vindictus or something.
Care to elaborate? It might help the OP, so it's not that offtopic. (Implying that you are allowed to, obviously)
It's very roughly based off Monster Hunter. It shares a lot of the same crafting mechanics (hunt monsters for materials) and the non targeting system.
The world is open, but there are a few boss instances as well. There are some bosses that openly roam fields though.
Also, there's no set classes in this game... So weapon type determines which kind of skills you're allowed to use. You basically get to pick your skills from four different skill trees to build your own character.
Final Fantasy IXXIXIXIXXIXIXI (the new one): Haven't ever played a FF MMORPG, will probably give it a shot.
Tera: Now even sure if its out in US yet, I know its been out in Asia forever. Kind of just looks like another animey good graphics shitty gameplay game.
FF : I played it and thought it to be terrible and everyone else I chatted with in the game thought so too.
Tera: I played the Korean version. I didn't understand anything at all, so I cannot judge the story etc. The gameplay however was awesome and the first dungeon was great. I played Hunter to ~ 30 and Warrior (the dualwield one) to ~ 15. Both were so much fun to play with the way you can roll/jump around to avoid dmg from the mobs, and stun/kite them. I even managed to kill a elite some lvl higher than me, because of this mechanic, which would have never been possible in wow (which I've been playing for 6 years now^^).
The downside why I stopped playing: I didn't understand a thing^^ and it was a terrible, terrible grind! They are adjusting it for the western market atm to make quest matter etc..
In Daoc the PvP is really great but the graphics/interface are just terrible^^
Dragon Nest has great PvP modes, but Nexon has a company is total shit. I do not recommend playing anything by Nexon anymore.
I've been playing Rusty Hearts quite a bit. The PvE is solid on Blood Mode (game can get repetitive) and the PvP definitely needs work. Although they do have a lot of variety of PvP modes. It can be very frustrating trying to find PvP matches and when you do it's usually someone who is decked out in really good gearm which means you will die in a few hits if you don't combo/counter the shit out of them.
It's a beat em' up arcade style fighting game just like Dungeon Fighter.
On November 25 2011 05:23 StarStruck wrote: Dragon Nest has great PvP modes, but Nexon has a company is total shit. I do not recommend playing anything by Nexon anymore.
I've been playing Rusty Hearts quite a bit. The PvE is solid on Blood Mode (game can get repetitive) and the PvP definitely needs work. Although they do have a lot of variety of PvP modes. It can be very frustrating trying to find PvP matches and when you do it's usually someone who is decked out in really good gearm which means you will die in a few hits if you don't combo/counter the shit out of them.
It's a beat em' up arcade style fighting game just like Dungeon Fighter.
Best thing to ever come out of Nexon was Dark Ages and that is final. ;D
Yeah from my beta experience with SWToR, it's a reskinned wow with SW lore. Great if you're a SW fan, definitely has some uniqueness to it, but overall isn't enough to get me to buy anymore.
I can agree with Nexon going downhill with their quality as of late too, but they're HUGE in korea so they aren't going away anytime soon.
The new FF game is going through a MAJOR overhaul in just about every aspect of the game over the next year, I'd avoid the game until that's finished otherwise you'll probably be left with a sour taste and won't want to try it. Don't know how FFXI was PvP wise but I think there's a fairly large active community for that game still.
DAoC was easily the best PvP experience I've ever had, and I don't think it'll ever be topped. RvR was one of the most brilliant concepts ever in an MMO, and I can't believe this hasn't been utilized by more companies. Only problem I'd imagine is the shrinking community since the game is so old, graphics are quite outdated.
I've been looking for an MMO myself and I've tried most of the free ones out there, as well as many of the older MMOs that were pay2play, WoW had me for about 5.5 years but I just got bored. I've essentially given up until GW2 comes out, I'll probably give that a shot, hoping D3 can satisfy me..and if not I'll probably end up playing "Titan" whenever Blizzard gets around to releasing that.
On November 25 2011 05:23 StarStruck wrote: Dragon Nest has great PvP modes, but Nexon has a company is total shit. I do not recommend playing anything by Nexon anymore.
On November 25 2011 03:54 CCitrus wrote: Rift is still relatively new. I played a character to max level before I remembered that I don't like MMOs. It's a good one too, really does some interesting things with the class system to get extra flexibility and replay value out of each character.
Plus, something WoW lost a long time ago: world PvP!
I played Rift to 25 or so.... It was too "clunky"... But yeah it was decent. And wwyyyyyy tooo much aggro.
Yeah, fair enough. It wasn't something I was going to put lots of hours into either. Of course, it was just at launch, I'm kind of tempted to download it again and see where it's gone.
Aggro: Did you play a mage? Because there was a hilarious bug where mages aggro'd just about everything they could see. Awesome.
Rift is what I'm playing right now and its fun. Though its not the most fun I've ever had in a mmo. It for sure quenches the thirst for a mmo when I have it.
Runes of magic is good as well .But its a wow clone so maybe not.
I really enjoyed Fallen earth. Auctually it is one of my favorites to play, but I can't give the time investment that it cometimes requires.
If you're looking for something a little more simple with a lot of depth the more you play it you might want to try runescape. A lot of people bash it but for what it is, its auctually pretty decent. The graphics are not too bad and the combat is ok. its not going to wow you or anything. Its just a really solid mmo that enjoys a healthy life in its realm.
Can you go in depth about what you want/don't want. Its ver vague from the op.
I have closed beta tested something like 30 different mmo's and played about 100. I can find what you are looking for but you have to give me more details.
On November 25 2011 06:41 masterbreti wrote: It all depends on the type of content you want.
Rift is what I'm playing right now and its fun. Though its not the most fun I've ever had in a mmo. It for sure quenches the thirst for a mmo when I have it.
Runes of magic is good as well .But its a wow clone so maybe not.
I really enjoyed Fallen earth. Auctually it is one of my favorites to play, but I can't give the time investment that it cometimes requires.
If you're looking for something a little more simple with a lot of depth the more you play it you might want to try runescape. A lot of people bash it but for what it is, its auctually pretty decent. The graphics are not too bad and the combat is ok. its not going to wow you or anything. Its just a really solid mmo that enjoys a healthy life in its realm.
Can you go in depth about what you want/don't want. Its ver vague from the op.
I have closed beta tested something like 30 different mmo's and played about 100. I can find what you are looking for but you have to give me more details.
I want a relatively new game. Either very competitive PvP with a high skill cap..or a very hardcore longass pve game with many levels. not clunky controls with way too good graphics. A good sized player base is a must. Some specific questions would be nice
EVE is what your looking for. I'm telling you man Do the free trial and get in the hatchery corp. You'll be led by a mother fucking badass in the game and is amazing at everything in eve.
just start watching all the trailers and you'll know what its really like. EVE is the dark gritty real version of wow. pvp's exciting as hell and pve's simple and stright forward. You won't even have to pay for the sub after a while.
You can try Gunz. It's basically the bw of fps games. It requires a ridiculous amount of skill to play on a high level. You can deflect bullets with swords, wall walk, glide, and in general do everything a Jon Woo actor would do in a movie. It's free to play with microtransactions.
On November 25 2011 08:44 Steveling wrote: You can try Gunz. It's basically the bw of fps games. It requires a ridiculous amount of skill to play on a high level. You can deflect bullets with swords, wall walk, glide, and in general do everything a Jon Woo actor would do in a movie. It's free to play with microtransactions.
On November 25 2011 06:41 masterbreti wrote: It all depends on the type of content you want.
Rift is what I'm playing right now and its fun. Though its not the most fun I've ever had in a mmo. It for sure quenches the thirst for a mmo when I have it.
Runes of magic is good as well .But its a wow clone so maybe not.
I really enjoyed Fallen earth. Auctually it is one of my favorites to play, but I can't give the time investment that it cometimes requires.
If you're looking for something a little more simple with a lot of depth the more you play it you might want to try runescape. A lot of people bash it but for what it is, its auctually pretty decent. The graphics are not too bad and the combat is ok. its not going to wow you or anything. Its just a really solid mmo that enjoys a healthy life in its realm.
Can you go in depth about what you want/don't want. Its ver vague from the op.
I have closed beta tested something like 30 different mmo's and played about 100. I can find what you are looking for but you have to give me more details.
I want a relatively new game. Either very competitive PvP with a high skill cap..or a very hardcore longass pve game with many levels. not clunky controls with way too good graphics. A good sized player base is a must. Some specific questions would be nice
ok. I'll put a list of questions down and just answer yes or no to them and I should be able to find something for you.
Open world PvP? tons of ingame content? in depth crafting? Sandbox? solo content? sci-fi? willing to pay to play? grinding?
This one can be more than yes or no.
Is there anything specific you don't like in a mmo? like design or graphics or gameplay?
On November 25 2011 05:43 EEhantiming wrote: yea, they really ruined a great game
The company is in complete shambles at the moment. They are in re-model mode:
Dear players,
Thank you all for taking the time to read this letter. I’m Min Kim. I’m one of the founders of Nexon America and I’ve been with Nexon since 2003. MapleStory veterans may remember me from the early days of MapleStory Global. Since 2007 I’ve been working on things like our prepaid cards, marketing, and free-to-play evangelism efforts. Unfortunately, that has taken me away from what I enjoy most – working on our games and services.
Just recently however, Nexon America has made some internal changes and I am honored to announce that I will be back at the helm of our game services in my new role as Nexon America’s head of Live Games. There are a lot of changes coming and I’m going to tell you about some of the big things happening at Nexon over the next year.
The purpose of Live Games is to better monitor and manage our production, marketing, and communication efforts. It’s closely integrated with the rest of Nexon America and our developers in Korea. In fact, I just came back from a Korean trip to meet with all of our developers and trust me when I say that we’ve got some really cool and exciting things coming up from some of the best game makers in the world.
More important than a new structure, exciting content and cool games though, is our renewed commitment to show you the best in us. We’re planning many improvements at Nexon America both internally and in the games we service, but when considered together, they all stem from the same idea – getting back to basics. To you, our loyal customers, Nexon’s back to basics focus will provide:
• Better and more frequent communications with our players • Increased reliability and stability of our game services • Better Web and game experiences • Improving game security • Improving the quality of our customer service • Providing the best content and support for both existing and upcoming games
We hope you can put your faith in us to bring you the play you deserve.
It took them long enough to even address it. -_-;;
Anyway, if you really want to get enthralled in a MMO I recommend you check out each company and community before playing.
Based off your answers I would play on a private lineage server or Ragnork. Yes, they aren't the newest but a lot of the new ones are knock-offs of other F2P/subscription based games and not what you are really looking for.
On November 25 2011 06:41 masterbreti wrote: It all depends on the type of content you want.
Rift is what I'm playing right now and its fun. Though its not the most fun I've ever had in a mmo. It for sure quenches the thirst for a mmo when I have it.
Runes of magic is good as well .But its a wow clone so maybe not.
I really enjoyed Fallen earth. Auctually it is one of my favorites to play, but I can't give the time investment that it cometimes requires.
If you're looking for something a little more simple with a lot of depth the more you play it you might want to try runescape. A lot of people bash it but for what it is, its auctually pretty decent. The graphics are not too bad and the combat is ok. its not going to wow you or anything. Its just a really solid mmo that enjoys a healthy life in its realm.
Can you go in depth about what you want/don't want. Its ver vague from the op.
I have closed beta tested something like 30 different mmo's and played about 100. I can find what you are looking for but you have to give me more details.
I want a relatively new game. Either very competitive PvP with a high skill cap..or a very hardcore longass pve game with many levels. not clunky controls with way too good graphics. A good sized player base is a must. Some specific questions would be nice
ok. I'll put a list of questions down and just answer yes or no to them and I should be able to find something for you.
Open world PvP? tons of ingame content? in depth crafting? Sandbox? solo content? sci-fi? willing to pay to play? grinding?
This one can be more than yes or no.
Is there anything specific you don't like in a mmo? like design or graphics or gameplay?
Open world PvP? Yes! tons of ingame content? Not needed, but would be nice. in depth crafting? If its a pvp focused game, no. If it is PvE, yes. Sandbox? I'll take it o.o solo content? Not needed sci-fi? Would be awesome willing to pay to play? Yep grinding? I'll grind if I have to, but quests and other fun ways of leveling are best.
Is there anything specific you don't like in a mmo? like design or graphics or gameplay? Clunky/over realistic graphics. WoW graphics are fine for me. I don't like the games where when you attack you run to your enemy, I like to have lots of control over my character. Jumping is a MUST. Guild wars would be awesome, any kind of like big team PvP is fun.
You might actually like Rusty Hearts then. It's still in Open Beta, but the player base is rather small and like I said, they are in the process of making more changes in the game.
The only thing Rusty Hearts doesn't have is the fact the world is closed, i.e. you run dungeons and it's more medieval, i.e. vampires, witches, werewolves, yadda yadda.
The game doesn't really have much of a grind and the story is whimsical. I wrote about it a month or so ago. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
Well, Star Wars the Old Republic comes out soon, and a lot of people are excited for that. But if you don't like WoW, I don't think you'll like SWTOR because from what I've heard and scene it basically just looks like a reskin of wow
GW2 looks really sick though, and I can't wait for that to come out so I can take a better look.
You could try out Lord of the Rings Online. It went free to play over the summer. I havnt played it for several years, but it was fun when I did. Star Wars: The Old Republic comes out in December, but honestly every gameplay video I have seen looked like a copy and paste of WoW with Mass Effect conversations thrown in. However, I got a beta key from curse and can try it this weekend and see how it is first hand.
Edit: Guild Wars 2 looks sick but I don't think that it even has a release date.
On November 25 2011 06:41 masterbreti wrote: It all depends on the type of content you want.
Rift is what I'm playing right now and its fun. Though its not the most fun I've ever had in a mmo. It for sure quenches the thirst for a mmo when I have it.
Runes of magic is good as well .But its a wow clone so maybe not.
I really enjoyed Fallen earth. Auctually it is one of my favorites to play, but I can't give the time investment that it cometimes requires.
If you're looking for something a little more simple with a lot of depth the more you play it you might want to try runescape. A lot of people bash it but for what it is, its auctually pretty decent. The graphics are not too bad and the combat is ok. its not going to wow you or anything. Its just a really solid mmo that enjoys a healthy life in its realm.
Can you go in depth about what you want/don't want. Its ver vague from the op.
I have closed beta tested something like 30 different mmo's and played about 100. I can find what you are looking for but you have to give me more details.
I want a relatively new game. Either very competitive PvP with a high skill cap..or a very hardcore longass pve game with many levels. not clunky controls with way too good graphics. A good sized player base is a must. Some specific questions would be nice
ok. I'll put a list of questions down and just answer yes or no to them and I should be able to find something for you.
Open world PvP? tons of ingame content? in depth crafting? Sandbox? solo content? sci-fi? willing to pay to play? grinding?
This one can be more than yes or no.
Is there anything specific you don't like in a mmo? like design or graphics or gameplay?
Open world PvP? Yes! tons of ingame content? Not needed, but would be nice. in depth crafting? If its a pvp focused game, no. If it is PvE, yes. Sandbox? I'll take it o.o solo content? Not needed sci-fi? Would be awesome willing to pay to play? Yep grinding? I'll grind if I have to, but quests and other fun ways of leveling are best.
Is there anything specific you don't like in a mmo? like design or graphics or gameplay? Clunky/over realistic graphics. WoW graphics are fine for me. I don't like the games where when you attack you run to your enemy, I like to have lots of control over my character. Jumping is a MUST. Guild wars would be awesome, any kind of like big team PvP is fun.
Thanks !
Darkfall seems to be your fit. It is a PvP focused sandbox game. It doesn't have a huge playerbase but those who do play it are very active and very competitive. I would say about 15,000 subscribers, if not more. PvP is open world. You can build a city with your guild in game and make defenses so that you can take on a opposing guilds forces if they decide to invade and ruin your city.
If not that I would suggest Earthrise then. Much smaller playerbase but going f2p in the next month. Has a lot of pvp option but does not have the competitiveness of darkfall. A decent amount of PvE content too.
Damn, Firefall just barely got mentioned, but it sounds like something you might get on-board with, OP.
Release is next month (maybe), F2P with microtransactions. I tend to avoid MMOs at launch to give devs time to sort out the major problems, but...well, free-to-play, so I'll at least try it out, for sure.
Eve-o was a lot of fun and I recommend at least trying it, but it's not for everyone. I don't recommend Final Fantasy or Lineage at all, but my time with those was very limited. Guild Wars 1 is still great to go back to for a while every few months -- if you liked it, there's really no reason not to pick it up and play every once in a while. It's a great distraction for a bit, haven't quite had any other MMO experience like that one.
And, if you're looking for something new, this Firefall thing looks like it could be worth a shot.
On November 25 2011 10:06 masterbreti wrote: If not that I would suggest Earthrise then. Much smaller playerbase but going f2p in the next month. Has a lot of pvp option but does not have the competitiveness of darkfall. A decent amount of PvE content too.
Have you been playing Earthrise recently? I tried it upon release but a combination of poor server performance and awful client coding made the game incredibly aggravating to play and it was far from enjoyable.
As to the OP, what was that about MMOFPSs? Tabula Rasa isn't running anymore. PlanetSide is not shit. It's just winding down at the moment. I haven't played seriously for 2 years now, since the populations have dwindled, the playerbase degenerated into scum, rampant hacking and non-existent support from SOE. But it was one of the most incredible experiences in gaming (imo). You should definitely keep an eye on the sequel, it's shaping up really nicely.
Guild wars 2 will be epic, I can't wait. I was even finishing off the rest of my titles in gws1 to get w/e it is you get in gws 2 for achieving GWAMM. Just need to finish grinding for the 3 money titles 3/4 ways there, after this all I would have left is to finish off legendary master of the north. 5 year Dervish only, lol, I just can't seem to get into any other profession. Sadly after they completely re-built the class after a patch, I quit. I say its worse, but crap dervs would say its better. No one new the derv like I did pre patch, I made do with the patch and was happy at one point before they started to add in the monthly environments effects in pvp, which are just horrible. The class worked far different after the patch, but adrenaline and the new enchant removal system with dervs was just a horrible move.
On November 25 2011 10:06 masterbreti wrote: If not that I would suggest Earthrise then. Much smaller playerbase but going f2p in the next month. Has a lot of pvp option but does not have the competitiveness of darkfall. A decent amount of PvE content too.
Have you been playing Earthrise recently? I tried it upon release but a combination of poor server performance and awful client coding made the game incredibly aggravating to play and it was far from enjoyable.
As to the OP, what was that about MMOFPSs? Tabula Rasa isn't running anymore. PlanetSide is not shit. It's just winding down at the moment. I haven't played seriously for 2 years now, since the populations have dwindled, the playerbase degenerated into scum, rampant hacking and non-existent support from SOE. But it was one of the most incredible experiences in gaming (imo). You should definitely keep an eye on the sequel, it's shaping up really nicely.
I played it again a few weeks ago. My computer wasn't able to handle the game very well but I didn't get any lag or any problems that were not my own fault.
Closed Beta by the end of the year. Open Beta when that's done, game released as soon as that is done.
For those wondering what that means, let me put it like this. Anet said that they are finishing the game in Alpha entirely, and CB is to iron out the finer details, and OB is to stress test servers. GW1's closed and open beta combined were less than a month combined. For all intents and purposes, the game is finished right now as I type this. Honestly, it should be out by March/April as long as they don't completely wet the bed.
On November 25 2011 12:14 SCDPetrify wrote: FireFall seems sick I'll definitely be trying that one out. Currently in the process of trying to get back my incredibly old Guild Wars account too .
And neither of those 2 games looked very interesting to me Master, well Earthrise DOES but its not very user friendly or anything.
What would my games be if I took away FPS? xD
then I think Fallen earth would be your type of thing. post nuclear war type thing. A ton of crafting though, auatually everything in game is crafted. You can craft motorcycles and such. I would check it out. It just went f2p not too long ago. Worth the download anyways.
If you're tired of the combat system in WoW at all you could give DC Universe Online a shot. It's F2P so if you don't end up liking it you didn't lose anything. From what I've seen of it, it's got some good elements.
@Fruscainte(and everyone else "recommending" Guild Wars 2): There is absolutely no reason for him to wait for Guild Wars 2. By the things they've shown, it will have shitty PvP compared to what other games have, even though it will have fun, but not very challenging, PvE. They already stated that they're focusing on PvE because they think that their PvP is already at a high level, but they never show anything like that.
Don't recommend a game because it has shiny graphics. You are not better than everyone shitting on the game for no reason(I'm not either, even if it sounds like that. I'm just telling you to wait until we know that it's good and not just get told that it's good by ArenaNet) There is no point, game mechanics wise, to recommend Guild Wars 2 right now. Even IF it will be good in the end and all my points are invalid and I'm completely wrong, right now there's no indication whatsoever of that. Right now all you see is shiny graphics and shitty mechanics. If you really want to play Guild Wars, play Guild Wars 1 and check out Guild Wars 2 after it's release in a trial version or something, then you can talk about playing it.
The same goes with SWTOR and everything like that. You have no idea how the game will look, everything indicates that it will be bad however, so the best deal is to just wait for the released game and then check it out. If Guild Wars 2 will have great PvP I'll be the first one to point it out, but right now it's just too early to say that, we should be rather skeptical so that ArenaNet keeps working hard on it.
If we talk about MMOs we have to stop talking about how "epic" everything is that has better graphics than WoW. This happened all the time the past years and none of the times it worked out.
@masterbreti: What did change in the f2p version anyway? Always wondered if I started it again, was hell of a fun game.
Also, does anyone know more about the battlemechanics in firefall? I never tried it but it kinda looks like it could be fun and similar to an "ultima online pvp realm"... But is it really good or are the videos just good?
@Fruscainte(and everyone else "recommending" Guild Wars 2): There is absolutely no reason for him to wait for Guild Wars 2. By the things they've shown, it will have shitty PvP compared to what other games have, even though it will have fun, but not very challenging, PvE. They already stated that they're focusing on PvE because they think that their PvP is already at a high level, but they never show anything like that.
Don't recommend a game because it has shiny graphics. You are not better than everyone shitting on the game for no reason(I'm not either, even if it sounds like that. I'm just telling you to wait until we know that it's good and not just get told that it's good by ArenaNet) There is no point, game mechanics wise, to recommend Guild Wars 2 right now. Even IF it will be good in the end and all my points are invalid and I'm completely wrong, right now there's no indication whatsoever of that. Right now all you see is shiny graphics and shitty mechanics. If you really want to play Guild Wars, play Guild Wars 1 and check out Guild Wars 2 after it's release in a trial version or something, then you can talk about playing it.
The same goes with SWTOR and everything like that. You have no idea how the game will look, everything indicates that it will be bad however, so the best deal is to just wait for the released game and then check it out. If Guild Wars 2 will have great PvP I'll be the first one to point it out, but right now it's just too early to say that, we should be rather skeptical so that ArenaNet keeps working hard on it.
If we talk about MMOs we have to stop talking about how "epic" everything is that has better graphics than WoW. This happened all the time the past years and none of the times it worked out.
@masterbreti: What did change in the f2p version anyway? Always wondered if I started it again, was hell of a fun game.
Also, does anyone know more about the battlemechanics in firefall? I never tried it but it kinda looks like it could be fun and similar to an "ultima online pvp realm"... But is it really good or are the videos just good?
Well, you clearly haven't looked at all into GW2 with that little statement of "All we see is shiny graphics and shitty mechanics." Considering they, and other people have released thousands of videos, articles, etc. detailing every little aspect of the game for the past few months. I mean, at this point, we know almost EVERYTHING about this game except for some late game content and the finer details of PvP. It's not like SWTOR where we don't know anything of the actual game up until this point. The developers are being very open. We know what we're getting because we have been getting a steady stream of information of real gameplay, showing things that they promise in action. There's not even a point to list off every single thing you type as wrong (which they are :>) because if you looked into the subject with any real purpose you would be overloaded with the amount of information that is out there on the game.
Also, no one is saying that they want to kill WoW with GW2 as you imply. Even Anet says they don't want to do it. Competition is what makes a good game, and WoW should be the competition. Anyone who says that they are going to "kill WoW' is fooling themselves, just look at the past few MMO's in the recent years. GW2 has outright stated multiple times that they are NOT a WoW killer. They are their own game, with their own formula and their own strategy.
Oh, and GW1 is nothing like GW2. I don't know why you recommend people that game to wait for GW2 honestly, unless they want to know the story.
P.S. - If you don't like PvP as it is, that's all fine and dandy. It does look kind of meh-tier right now, and I'm hoping when they leave Family/Friend Alpha and move into Closed Beta next month that they make it a little more interesting. However, considering how World vs World vs World is looking right now, I can't fucking wait for that man. I'm not one for competitive 5v5 or 10v10, but WvWvW looks astoundingly fun.
Even Anet says they don't want to do it. Competition is what makes a good game, and WoW should be the competition. Anyone who says that they are going to "kill WoW' is fooling themselves, just look at the past few MMO's in the recent years. GW2 has outright stated multiple times that they are NOT a WoW killer. They are their own game, with their own formula and their own strategy.
Based on my MMORPG experience... Don't play any Nexon games; just look at Maplestory or Combat Arms. If you don't hack you're behind everybody else; in every Combat Arms games there's at least one hacker; and Maplestory probably has more people leeching/botting then real players (based off experience)
I would try SW:TOR, because it seems fun, even if it is kinda a WoW-Clone
Even Anet says they don't want to do it. Competition is what makes a good game, and WoW should be the competition. Anyone who says that they are going to "kill WoW' is fooling themselves, just look at the past few MMO's in the recent years. GW2 has outright stated multiple times that they are NOT a WoW killer. They are their own game, with their own formula and their own strategy.
That's exactly why they gonna kill wow.
Stop that
Stop that right now.
That's the WORST attitude to have with a game. It's like with good FPS games saying "WE'RE GOING TO BE THE COD KILLER LOL" It's the most inane thing in the world to say. Not only is it IMPOSSIBLE to do, but it's extremely childish to say. GW2 is not about being a WoW killer. GW2 is about being its own game, with its own system, its own bonus' and flaws. Anything that is "like WoW" is what is in EVERY MMO ever since Everquest and the like (those were the days ). This stigma of "WoW killers" needs to die. The only thing that will kill WoW is itself or another MMO by Blizzard.
I don't even want WoW to die. I WANT competition. When your MMO is the only one in the market, you get complacent. When you have to compete to reach the top with another extremely popular MMO, that's when the best content for customers comes out of both companies.
Keep in mind, at one point, GW1 had more subs than WoW with like 7-8 million. The competition is there, just look at Mists of Pandaria. I mean, no auto attack class, "PvE scenarios"? Shit's heating up yo
On November 26 2011 02:42 Cyclone999 wrote: Based on my MMORPG experience... Don't play any Nexon games; just look at Maplestory or Combat Arms. If you don't hack you're behind everybody else; in every Combat Arms games there's at least one hacker; and Maplestory probably has more people leeching/botting then real players (based off experience)
I would try SW:TOR, because it seems fun, even if it is kinda a WoW-Clone
Nexon isn't making the game, they're marketing it. ArenaNet is making the game.
Just on the same token, like Battlefield 3 wasn't made by EA -- it was marketed by them for comparisons sake.
Keep in mind, at one point, GW1 had more subs than WoW with like 7-8 million.
GW1 had 0 subs and at that point the game cost an equivalent to about two months of WoW-time.
I predict GW2 to launch fairly well, maybe 1-3m units sold first month, get launched in Asia and spike to about 4m active players, then dwindle to around 500k-1m after roughly 3-4 months. A few server merges later the player base will settle around 400k with 100k concurrent at timezone peak.
Not bad, but not good either. My figures are based on an estimation that Pandaria is launched shortly after GW2.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this letter. I’m Min Kim. I’m one of the founders of Nexon America and I’ve been with Nexon since 2003. MapleStory veterans may remember me from the early days of MapleStory Global. Since 2007 I’ve been working on things like our prepaid cards, marketing, and free-to-play evangelism efforts. Unfortunately, that has taken me away from what I enjoy most – working on our games and services.
Just recently however, Nexon America has made some internal changes and I am honored to announce that I will be back at the helm of our game services in my new role as Nexon America’s head of Live Games. There are a lot of changes coming and I’m going to tell you about some of the big things happening at Nexon over the next year.
The purpose of Live Games is to better monitor and manage our production, marketing, and communication efforts. It’s closely integrated with the rest of Nexon America and our developers in Korea. In fact, I just came back from a Korean trip to meet with all of our developers and trust me when I say that we’ve got some really cool and exciting things coming up from some of the best game makers in the world.
More important than a new structure, exciting content and cool games though, is our renewed commitment to show you the best in us. We’re planning many improvements at Nexon America both internally and in the games we service, but when considered together, they all stem from the same idea – getting back to basics. To you, our loyal customers, Nexon’s back to basics focus will provide:
• Better and more frequent communications with our players • Increased reliability and stability of our game services • Better Web and game experiences • Improving game security • Improving the quality of our customer service • Providing the best content and support for both existing and upcoming games
We hope you can put your faith in us to bring you the play you deserve.
It took them long enough to even address it. -_-;;
Anyway, if you really want to get enthralled in a MMO I recommend you check out each company and community before playing.
Based off your answers I would play on a private lineage server or Ragnork. Yes, they aren't the newest but a lot of the new ones are knock-offs of other F2P/subscription based games and not what you are really looking for.
Nexon just partnered with Perfect World to publish MMORPGs in Korea.
Nexon America is also dumping a lot of money into developing social games. So I'm not entirely sure how long they're going to address their US MMO problems. :0
Keep in mind, at one point, GW1 had more subs than WoW with like 7-8 million.
GW1 had 0 subs and at that point the game cost an equivalent to about two months of WoW-time.
I predict GW2 to launch fairly well, maybe 1-3m units sold first month, get launched in Asia and spike to about 4m active players, then dwindle to around 500k-1m after roughly 3-4 months. A few server merges later the player base will settle around 400k with 100k concurrent at timezone peak.
Not bad, but not good either. My figures are based on an estimation that Pandaria is launched shortly after GW2.
Weird, I was thinking the EXACT same thing with SWTOR
But yeah, that's not really going to happen considering a very large chunk, I think still well into the millions, still play GW1 and there is a separate community for GW2 compared to WoW. It's not like the game is basing its success off of how many WoW players they "convert." There is an entire community already for the game separate of WoW's, so it doesn't matter really when Pandaria is released.
I really wish Nexon didn't sell the rights to Kru Interactive in the past. I loved Nexus TK and Dark Ages despite their isometric gameplay. (I actually loved it, don't hate!)
Unfortunately both games are awful now. I can't seem to get into an MMO after my first run of WoW, although GW2 looked pretty awesome.
On November 26 2011 06:58 kammeyer wrote: I really wish Nexon didn't sell the rights to Kru Interactive in the past. I loved Nexus TK and Dark Ages despite their isometric gameplay. (I actually loved it, don't hate!)
Unfortunately both games are awful now. I can't seem to get into an MMO after my first run of WoW, although GW2 looked pretty awesome.
My main issue is that I'm worried that the only reason I liked Everquest II and somewhat WoW (never was really into it) was because they were my first MMO's. Hopefully GW2 can perform to the level of an actual fun game, instead of something just there to addict you ASAP so I can get some good fun out of it :D
@Fruscainte(and everyone else "recommending" Guild Wars 2): There is absolutely no reason for him to wait for Guild Wars 2. By the things they've shown, it will have shitty PvP compared to what other games have, even though it will have fun, but not very challenging, PvE. They already stated that they're focusing on PvE because they think that their PvP is already at a high level, but they never show anything like that.
Don't recommend a game because it has shiny graphics. You are not better than everyone shitting on the game for no reason(I'm not either, even if it sounds like that. I'm just telling you to wait until we know that it's good and not just get told that it's good by ArenaNet) There is no point, game mechanics wise, to recommend Guild Wars 2 right now. Even IF it will be good in the end and all my points are invalid and I'm completely wrong, right now there's no indication whatsoever of that. Right now all you see is shiny graphics and shitty mechanics. If you really want to play Guild Wars, play Guild Wars 1 and check out Guild Wars 2 after it's release in a trial version or something, then you can talk about playing it.
The same goes with SWTOR and everything like that. You have no idea how the game will look, everything indicates that it will be bad however, so the best deal is to just wait for the released game and then check it out. If Guild Wars 2 will have great PvP I'll be the first one to point it out, but right now it's just too early to say that, we should be rather skeptical so that ArenaNet keeps working hard on it.
If we talk about MMOs we have to stop talking about how "epic" everything is that has better graphics than WoW. This happened all the time the past years and none of the times it worked out.
@masterbreti: What did change in the f2p version anyway? Always wondered if I started it again, was hell of a fun game.
Also, does anyone know more about the battlemechanics in firefall? I never tried it but it kinda looks like it could be fun and similar to an "ultima online pvp realm"... But is it really good or are the videos just good?
I don't understand why you would make the assumption that its being recommended only due to its graphics. The lore, races, profession, and secondary professions are what I would recommend it for, though thats only my opinion.
"You have no idea how the game will look, everything indicates that it will be bad however", How can you make any accusations without knowing ? I don't understand all this hate and contradictions.
On November 26 2011 06:58 kammeyer wrote: I really wish Nexon didn't sell the rights to Kru Interactive in the past. I loved Nexus TK and Dark Ages despite their isometric gameplay. (I actually loved it, don't hate!)
Unfortunately both games are awful now. I can't seem to get into an MMO after my first run of WoW, although GW2 looked pretty awesome.
My main issue is that I'm worried that the only reason I liked Everquest II and somewhat WoW (never was really into it) was because they were my first MMO's. Hopefully GW2 can perform to the level of an actual fun game, instead of something just there to addict you ASAP so I can get some good fun out of it :D
I think that's my issue as well. I never was into EQ, but Dark Ages & WoW were a lot of fun the first time around. I can never muster enough energy to really consistently play a game anymore.
@Fruscainte(and everyone else "recommending" Guild Wars 2): There is absolutely no reason for him to wait for Guild Wars 2. By the things they've shown, it will have shitty PvP compared to what other games have, even though it will have fun, but not very challenging, PvE. They already stated that they're focusing on PvE because they think that their PvP is already at a high level, but they never show anything like that.
Don't recommend a game because it has shiny graphics. You are not better than everyone shitting on the game for no reason(I'm not either, even if it sounds like that. I'm just telling you to wait until we know that it's good and not just get told that it's good by ArenaNet) There is no point, game mechanics wise, to recommend Guild Wars 2 right now. Even IF it will be good in the end and all my points are invalid and I'm completely wrong, right now there's no indication whatsoever of that. Right now all you see is shiny graphics and shitty mechanics. If you really want to play Guild Wars, play Guild Wars 1 and check out Guild Wars 2 after it's release in a trial version or something, then you can talk about playing it.
The same goes with SWTOR and everything like that. You have no idea how the game will look, everything indicates that it will be bad however, so the best deal is to just wait for the released game and then check it out. If Guild Wars 2 will have great PvP I'll be the first one to point it out, but right now it's just too early to say that, we should be rather skeptical so that ArenaNet keeps working hard on it.
If we talk about MMOs we have to stop talking about how "epic" everything is that has better graphics than WoW. This happened all the time the past years and none of the times it worked out.
@masterbreti: What did change in the f2p version anyway? Always wondered if I started it again, was hell of a fun game.
Also, does anyone know more about the battlemechanics in firefall? I never tried it but it kinda looks like it could be fun and similar to an "ultima online pvp realm"... But is it really good or are the videos just good?
I don't understand why you would make the assumption that its being recommended only due to its graphics. The lore, races, profession, and secondary professions are what I would recommend it for, though thats only my opinion.
"You have no idea how the game will look, everything indicates that it will be bad however", How can you make any accusations without knowing ? I don't understand all this hate and contradictions.
Secondary Professions aren't in GW2. God, that is a nightmare to balance and I'm glad they're left out.