Vods from last week:
http://www.youtube.com/user/SirCr4igS#p/a/u/2/6pqgl1YDWd0 part 1
http://www.youtube.com/user/SirCr4igS#p/a/u/1/h8sEYWf_uYc part 2
So tonight at 10 EST the match (not my team unfortunately) will be streamed at http://tribescast.com/stream/. Almost certainly going to be a 3 person cast, maybe even 4.
Edit: Actually both matches are going to be casted but there isn't a stream set for the second one. I'll put it in as soon as I have a link.
Oh and if you want a laugh you can read someones predictions on the semis http://www.teamwarfare.net/forums/showthread.asp?forumid=4&threadid=475436
Honestly I'd take what he says with a grain of salt.
Also some terminology for anyone who does end up tuning in
HO (pronounced hoe)=Heavy offense, their job is to either destroy the enemies base so they can't get any weapons/their own heavies or spam the flag stand in order to help kill the D there.
LD=light defense, they kill heavies and chase down flag carriers
LOF (pronounced loph)=light on flag, they kill anyone trying to take the flag
HD=heavy defense, they protect the generators (which power inventory stations and turrets)
capper=pretty self explanatory, they grab the flag and cap it
qfire=script that allows you to place fixed waypoints to spam mortars, sometimes other weapons
interpolate=script that helps fix the aged netcode and makes chainguns vastly more powerful
shield HO=HO who use a shield pack which increases their ability to survive
HOF=heavy on flag, they sit there and attempt to bodyblock or kill incoming cappers
mine disc=throwing a mine and shooting it with a spinfusor, causes massive amounts of damage
SJ=sensor jammer, removes the IFF triangle that appears above players heads and also prevents turrets from firing
farmer=the turret monkey, person who places turrets and sensors
conc=concussion grenades, they knock out your pack, whatever weapon you're carrying, and the flag if you have it
skiing=practically what built tribes, when a player constantly jumps there is no friction, so by going down hills while skiing you can attain ridiculous speeds