To Starcraft artists' corner, where we get to share our gaming art! This is a brand new running project for me on this blog, where I and hopefully others combine our love of Starcraft with our love of making stuff! By stuff I mean anything that could be called art, paintings, doodles, photo-manipulations or even short stories, anything short of erotic zealot fanfic, because really, noone wants to know how that would work :/. I'll be presenting different pieces, of differing skill levels by myself and any interested members of the community, in the hopes we can all practice,learn and improve.
Have you seen the second-to-latest Day9 Daily yet? It's Day9's 'Ask Me Anything' daily, I highly recommend watching it if you missed it, it's a really informative look at the great sort of outlook and enthusiasm of one of the most productive contributors of the Starcraft community. There's something strangely satisfying about the idea of chasing your likes. I think at some stage I'll be trying to draw that man (Or at least photoshop him into an excellent Anthony Robbins-style 'Chase your Likes!' self-help book cover) swoon
This week's theme
I've been working with LieZel and she suggested we have a theme for each weeek, so this week's theme is ZERG! It's a nice broad theme witha lot of wonderful slimy possibilities.
My own contribution to this week's theme is this:
The Queen of Blades as a playing card! I'd thought to have an Alice in Wonderland style picture but that is a bit beyond my skill-level. I'm much more used to painting and thought I'd try this more illustration-style concept to challenge myself (hey, if you aren't challenging yourself you aren't moving up the art ladder!). Tried for clean lines to contrast the usual tentacled creep-covered Zerg feel. Critiques welcome but I think it turned out pretty well!
LieZel is currently working on her contribution and will post it in the comments as soon as it's done
Next week's theme
I'm hoping that anyone who wants to join in at any point (with any skill level) will be encouraged to do so, so with that in mind (and to whet the appetite) here is next week's theme:
Terrans! Another broad category with lots of possibilities! I was recently watching some cinematics from the original Starcraft which reminded me of the backwater origins of Jim Raynor, marshall of a small fringe colony called Mar Sara. I think I'll try and give a bit of a Confederate spin to my next painting
If you feel like joining in and having your work featured in this section comment or send me a PM
Til next time, good luck, have fun!