1. What if...
First section is what I am going to call the 'what ifs'.
For example, what if the team MVP acquired the player MVP? How baller would that be??? :D
It then triggered a thought about if that ever happened, how would people pronounce MVP as the player? would they repeat MVP? would MVP change his name? would it all be merged into one???
Also relating to that, we all know in the GSTL, when the team's play they play with their clan tag e.g. oGs or IM. The player MVP could then use that 'clan tag account' as his own personal account. How baller would that be???

Another similar story would be if the team ReIGN acquired the player Rain. Once again, would the clan tag really be RGN.Rain? that would be an awkward moment for casters ^^
What I think are stupid things in ESPORTS
Here is a section where I rant about some of the details of various things in ESPORTS.
For example, MLG's Extended Series rule. What in the world are they thinking??? Someone can automatically be 2-0 or 2-1 up? A new series should be a new series, not some extended series bullcrap. Starcraft 2 is a game where all parties are even at the start - there are no 'carry-over' items you can take ingame (except maybe insignia marks.. but what do they do haha). It's not like LoL or DotA where you can research some abilities outside... SC2 is designed for everyone to be even.
Other little details like gomtv price-tagging everything they see except their low-quality livestream are not promoting the growth of ESPORTS. I understand they have their flashy studio and lots of prize money and things like that, but a lot of the ESPORTS community is under 18, with no access to buying things online, bar their parents which are usually Asian parents who wouldn't let their kid buy runescape membership... the point is that I believe that gomtv isn't helping ESPORTS. Luckily, I live in Australia so there is only a one hour time difference, allowing me to watch GSL. But with their horrendous Mac GOM player and their 240p (im guessing there) stream quality, it is painful to watch.
The growth of ESPORTS
Since the beta of SC2, the growth of ESPORTS has been astronomical. Considering the prize money in the GSL as well as the number of major foreign tournaments increasing majorly, I think everyone involved in the growth of ESPORTS to give themselves a pat on the back. In just over a year of the game, we have achieved so much. Congratulations

Now I don't really know how to end this blog LOL.... hope you enjoyed it