I'm kicking ass and happy about it though! As I've mentioned in previous blog posts I'm basically trying to do this with no cheese at all. I've rushed exactly once - it was a 10 pool, and it did economic damage that let me steamroll the other guy with a push at about 10 minutes. And frankly, I only did that because I thought I'd screwed up my build.
The rest of the time, I've played standard, econ-focused, and as safely as I can. I win most of my games at around the 18 minute mark (not counting one asshole terran who building floated and rebased multiple times until I got fed up and massed mutas) and usually lose a bit earlier than that - I've suicided armies when I shouldn't, straight-up lost to early rushes, and so on, but I've only been out-macroed once, and it was a scouting fail - I made a bunch of units while my opponent was flooding drones, because I thought he was doing a timing attack.
Speaking of which, scouting is the thing I need the most work on. I can check for expansions just fine (if I can take the credit for that - overlords do all the work), I can macro like a beast (given I've been playing for less than a week), and while I don't exactly micro well (or at all), I have a good sense for concaves and when I can/can't win a fight and should/shouldn't engage. I can even adapt my builds and manage crises reasonably well. But the one damn thing I can never remember to do is scout in the midgame, and it loses me games I should win. I also need to work on things like spreading creep (I need to work a LOT on spreading creep), but scouting better would have saved me just about every loss I've had in the past 20-30 games.
All in all I'm really happy with my play and development, and I'm having a lot of fun! My girlfriend has even commented on how happy I seem to be when I'm playing or after I have, and on how well I shrug off losses - I think this game is good for me.
Now for a brief explanation of what I'm doing strategy-wise. I don't really have builds set in stone yet - I figure that level of refinement can wait until I'm remembering to fucking scout and spread creep - but I more or less always open 14 hatch vT and 11pool vP and vZ. Not an aggressive 11pool, mind you - an econ-focused, I-want-my-damn-queen-and-some-cheese-protection-please 11pool. Then more or less regardless of matchup, I focus on securing expansions and massing up a strong ground army and upgrading it, before doing a timing push at +2 attack. vZ and vP this ends up being mainly roaches for a while, with hydras or infestors added once I have some extra gas and a stable footing. vT I tend to start with speedling/baneling and add roaches from there - I'd rather worry about micro vs siege tanks, which are slow or stationary, than micro versus stimmed marines with mutalisks! The nice thing is that the logical counter - mass marauders - gets completely destroyed by mass ling, which gives me tons of extra gas, which lets me get hive tech and tons of infestors out....good times.
I have to admit, I never really use broodlords or ultralisks, and I don't really see myself using either any time soon. They seem outclassed by cheaper units (zergling/roach and baneling respectively) that are available earlier and save gas for infestors - which I'm in love with. Is this a mistake on my part? It seems a waste going hive when I'm just going to use it for 3/3 and adrenal glands, but neither unit really seems necessary to me...