Thus bad begins and worse remains behind." -Shakespeare.
It's surreal how San Diego Comic Con always have strong impact on me, despite the fact that I've been going for last 7 years. I honestly thought that this year's Comic Con was going to be epic since virtually all of my online friends would be there.
None of those frakkers want to hang out with me at Comic Con. It left bad taste in my mouth and I was mentally exhausted whole time because I was running all over the con then passed out at weird times. I was forced to salvage the whole con experience by last day, where I managed to meet this gorgeous girl cosplayer, whom I spent all day with.
Then I turn to Twitter and posting that SDCC this year suck because of a$$holes online friends and it lack that aura that make previous SDCC so special. Suddenly, lot of people agreed with me so I'm pleased to know that.
Not to sound a$$holes but I hope those frakkers do not get the tickets for next year's SDCC and I'm fortunate to have 3 avenues to get into SDCC, due to my oh so awesome networking.
So I just went ahead and laddering in SC2, despite the fact that I'm low level bronzie. I really had no expectations whatsoever so I just play to the best of my ability, My SC2 friends in beginning no longer plays so I usually play by myself. It was lonesome but I did talk to this guy a lot on twitter, whose is in platinum league. We frequently talk a lot but we have never play together because of his work schedule.
Then after SDCC, I decide to laddering a lot and tried my best.
One weird match I had on ladder was this protoss, he had over 100 APM, yet I beat him with paltry 25 APM. All I did was marine dropping on him whole time. 25 APM beat 100 APM? Wow!
I really remember this totally epic TvT that took me nearly 90 minutes to beat him. God, that was crazy because that bastard kept turtling whole time and I expanded to every friggin' material lines on the map. I mean, every one of them so I can pumped money into BCs and Thors on constant basis.
I talk to platinum player on twitter about that match and he congratulated me. He did suggest the strategy that I didn't think of, in case I get into prolong TvT match.
Then someone post the streaming on twitter and I just stumbled on it. It was cute girl play zerg and she's in high gold league. My knowledge of zerg is non-existent so I ask some of the players in streaming about her playstyle and strategy. Few people were happy to answer some of my questions, which is cool.
All of a sudden, one of them want to play against me and he's in masters but I told him that I'm just low level bronzie. However, he kept pestering me on so I accept.
He suggest that I should do blue fire Hellion build, which is completely new to me so I didn't have any experience with it. I tried it against him and he just crushed me in one swing. He look over the replay and told me that I should only queue 1 unit at a time instead of 2. But I find that to be too tricky because I'm still novice. However, he did compliment that the build was very nice but my timing was waaaaay too off. I have never done harassing play before so I'm still clueless about it.
Then I met few more people via other streaming that I stumbled on twitter so we play 2v2 together and I usually lost because it's hard for me to compete with gold level and higher players. I even tried to pull off proxy rax for first time on this girl protoss but it failed because she detected it before I can pump out marines. But I had fun, even if I suck.
Platinum player recommend that I meet this guy from Australia, whose got me into his clan so I can have practice partners to play with, which I'm appreciative of. Unlike previous high level players I used to play with them, none of them bash me or make snarky comment to me while I was playing, which is refreshing for me.
Instead, they wait for game to be over so they can give me advices and tips like I should always hit orbital by 16th supply instead of waiting it out and expanding bit sooner than what I would do. I find those advices to be very helpful.
One cute girl on twitter post the streaming link but it was LoL so I decide to jump on it since it would be something different. I recalled that I wasn't really into it because it was kinda clusterfrak to watch and drop line every now and then. But I did met someone in that streaming, whose would have profound impact on my SC2 career (if you can call that).
This guy is gold league player but he set up the game so he can gauge my skills. Then he set up YABOT map and had me running through drills, which is truly beneficial for me. In fact, in 2 hours with him, I learn more about SC2 than I did in 6 months of playing SC2, which is insane. I find this experience to be very rewarding and enriching for me. Also, he taught me how to keep my eyes on my buildings and units whole time, which is really really really insane. X.X
My left fingers are still sore from hitting the hotkeys whole time to keep my vision on the map whole time. His advice to me is to continually tapping, no matter what.
He taught me how to read the supply correct and improving my mechanics. In fact, my APM has doubled after the drilling, which was really shocked to me. He advise me to running those drills couple of times per day to keep me sharp so I can be ready whenever I'm laddering.
Then I ladder for a little bit and I was bit shocked by how consistent my APM is. Before, it would bounce like stock market but now, it's all steady, which I'm very happy about.
It's amazing how twitter has strong impact on my SC2 experiences by just chatting to cool folks there and in streaming that get post on twitter so I can watch good players pwn the noobs and chatting with fellow viewers.
For that, I'm truly grateful that I'm able to meet lot of cool folks off of twitter and streaming. I'm happy that they're cool with me, even if I kept told them that I'm just low level bronzie, lol.
If it wasn't for SDCC being sucky, I wouldn't be able to play this much SC2. :D
I'm truly having fun in SC2 now. :DDD