After a recent flight, my girlfriend's laptop is broken enough that it won't even turn on. There was some visible damage to one of the screen hinges (the plastic covering, anyway), and there was some damage to the battery contacts. However, even with the power cord plugged in, it won't turn on, so I'm operating on the assumption that it's not JUST a battery-connection issue. I opened it up, and couldn't see anything visibly broken/disconnected/wrong, but I'm only amateurish at computer hardware issues.
As such, she's now in need of someone who knows the hell what they're doing. Anyone in the area know of any reputable, local shops/guys that do hardware repair? It'd be fabulous if they offer free (or cheap) quotes/estimates, but I'll take what I can get. I could just use a random guy, but I figure since you all are serious business about your computers, you probably are a better source of recommendations than the yellow pages. Thanks for any help!