So just not so long ago about a week ago, my cousin got a free copy of SC2 and offered it tome. Now, because i was so addicted to BW about 1 year ago, i said hell yeah i'll take it, so i did and now i'm back but i suck big balls. No joke. Anyway, the reason why i wasn't playing for a year was because i was playing CS 1.6 and got pretty damn good at it. Aside from that I am back and i'm trying to get my stream back up and running. not only that, but i am also trying to get back into SC2 on the competitive level i was once at OMG! Anyway, in order to do that I'm gonna need you guys to watch my stream and tel lme what im doing wrong and what not. A Clean Awesome shoutout to ReSpOnSe for always being the best Protoss player out there and congratz to him in his personal life
-Sincerely, A returning Protoss player, Richard 'Bliss' V you guys can call me Dick
not only that but on esea im known as Mr p90x for getting some good results doing it because im prepping for the Navy, more specifically the SEAL Teams if i can make it ofc i'm still training hard Buff1g
On July 26 2011 23:06 Mobius wrote: thank god you're back man, ive been worried sick + Show Spoiler +
I found the Spoiler very intriguing Mobius. I had been sitting with my fingers on my chin speculating what could be inside for a long while. After finally giving up and clicking, it came to a great surprise what was hiding behind. I just wanted to say thank you Mobius, thank you for that life-changing moment