Hiroyasu Ishida is making his presence known in the indie animation world with his moody short film "Rain Town" which was released earlier this year. This short masterpiece is something short and sweet for a rainy summer day.
"In this town, since who knows when, rain has never stopped.
Residents moved out to suburbs and high ground around
"rain town."
People's memories are now deeply submerged.
But into this forgotten rainy town
sometimes, someone wanders."
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その街はいつからか雨がやまなくなって人々は郊外や高台に移り住んでいった。「rain town」人々の記憶の底に沈む 忘れられた"雨の街"へ時折、誰かが迷い込むという...。 2010年京都精華大学アニメーション科第二期生卒業制作作品。
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