Well as long as I can remember everyone and everywhere has told me always make scvs. And so I, the once lowly bronze managed to make my way to diamond by doing so. When I watch low level players I can hardly stand it, seeing them make workers only once a minute. Well I decided to watch some of my own replays and the results were shocking... http://www.sc2rep.com/replays/(Z)ArDidi_vs_(T)Coriolis_shakuras_plateau_sc2rep_com_20110723/11538 OVER 100 SCVS Yes you read that right. OVER ONE HUNDRED SCVS. Holy crap what do I think I'm doing? Playing zerg? I guess its just so engrained in my head to always make scvs that I just keep on doing it. Thankfully my opponent wasn't the greatest so I managed to keep up with him.
At this point I'm not even sure how I managed to hold off his infestor brood lord with so many scvs. Even after suiciding some I still had 81 scvs. At least the income is nice, but the army supply is not....
And I see the same story throughout my replays though not as dramatic. 80ish scvs, 70ish but never the beautiful 50-60 mix thats ideal. I really need to stop pressing 6ss.
United States25550 Posts
This almost never happens to me due to my noob scv building skills, but once I overmade medivacs and scvs in a TvP, and my opponent was stalker heavy with few colossi... so I brought about 30 scvs to fight, and with like 15 medivacs, it was like having zealots.
The maximum should be about 70 workers. At least you don't have the problem most people have, which is underproducing workers.
Try switching your end game to mass command center and depend on mule mining, and then send a lot of SCVs with your pushes.
ive had this problem, due to in BW i would be able to get away with constant probe production and stop ~100-110 probes, however in sc2 due to the nature of near instant death if your army gets totaled too lopsidedly its a huge problem lol ive had games where ive had 130 probes on ~7 base where i barely win simply through having 50+ gateways and just storming everything to death lololol (mid/high masters 1.6k)
your Country52797 Posts
I do this all the time  I once had 115 workers and won. Of course, having 15+ gateways and the income to support it is nice...
I had a similar problem, and have been working to fix it. Pretty much I start counting workers until 3 bases are saturated, at that point, cut workers for good. You know, box the ones on your worker line, it should be about 2 lines plus 3 or 4 more, that's more or less saturated. If it is undermade or too many, react accordingly.
At least for the most part. Games don't usually last until 70+ workers these days, but it's becoming a normalish routine for me.
imo its good that you over produce workers. as you continue to play you'll get the feeling that you've made enough workers by quickly checking the lines and you'll be at like 70-80 before you realize it ^^
On July 23 2011 13:02 OmniEulogy wrote: imo its good that you over produce workers. as you continue to play you'll get the feeling that you've made enough workers by quickly checking the lines and you'll be at like 70-80 before you realize it ^^ Well I'm terran so 70-80 is a bit overkill. Mule imba and all.
On July 23 2011 07:47 Blazinghand wrote: so I brought about 30 scvs to fight, and with like 15 medivacs, it was like having zealots.
This is so funny haha ^-^