I do ): But I wanted to be a sensational entertainer with my bold and big letters!
I do ): But I wanted to be a sensational entertainer with my bold and big letters!
Short blog, I just want to dump pictures. In any case, with all that is going on and my sudden list of things to do (Player-manager for a team, 3 courses during the summer, Team Liquid stuff), I feel overwhelmed and tired. I want to do everything and yet, nothing at all and just relax. I've written about the dream and waking up with nothing on the horizon, nothing in the past to weigh me down and just living each day without the conscious of another one coming soon after. When the moon sets, so should I without the realization that the sun will rise soon after.
Thankfully, my room has a very large window behind my monitor. When I can or when I feel in a ponderous mood, I stop and think and just watch the puppet show of clouds sidle along the sky in front of my window. High above the city, they just roll along, often dipping into one another like blades of grass tugged by the summer wind.
So nice... the sound is below me, but the sight is above and I just enjoy seeing time shift weather into dark, windy, sunny or clear! I'll even get these bouts of daydream where I'll just stare as the world shifts upside-down, or tumbles into an imaginary scene for me to play with.
Good times...
I remember as a kid, I used to say that I always wanted to be a cloud, forever drifting and seeing new places while still remembering the ones I hovered over. Sometimes I would let my feelings out and no one would judge, but just let it go and they pop out their umbrella, a mechanism to not rain themselves.
In any case, how about some pictures. My camera is shitty, so I had to learn how to take pictures with my phone. I just got this phone and I hate it, I don't understand multifunctional touch-screen phones. I want real buttons and keys, not this virtual bullshit, thanks!
Oh and today's my father's birthday. So I just wanted wish him one. I haven't seen him in a few years, but when I think about how he supports and pays for the life of his 4 children, but never gets to see them. I get terribly saddened and I feel a ball and chain of deep hurt knowing that he comes home to no one every day after working 9 hours a day everyday. He loves his work, but I'm sure he'd love to see the fruits of his parenting and labor all grown up...
Oh to be a cloud and just drift, drift, drift away from these problems...
Rainy today, but a golden tint still reigns the skies
My finger got in the way. Clouds streaking, bu the sun still tries to clench the world above us
I call it the Liquid'Tyler [NonY] cloud. Big and great! Yet light, afloat in his chilled personality, but always proud and confident in who he is, what he says and thus shines perfectly!
Almost as good as FuDDx's balloons ):
That's it, just wanted to just squeeze out a feeling or two.