It seems to me that in a lot of respects, the SC community is iconoclastic. We've got extremely charismatic casters like Day9 and Tastosis, we've got fitness-conscious gamers like Incontrol and even Idra and Huk now (among others), we've got a whole bunch of different people who don't fall under that fixed image of what a nerd or a gamer is supposed to look, or act like.
That's why I was a bit disappointed seeing NASL hire a model/actress, ex-Miss Teen USA contestant, as a presenter/interviewer. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against her (I've never met her, and she seems perfectly nice) and regardless of whether it's genuine or not, it's cool that she acts interested in the game/community. What confused me was the logic behind hiring her instead of someone who knows about the game. I've seen the posts on here that talk about how it was astute of NASL (which had an awesome conclusion to its first season) to hire an attractive woman to play to the interests of gamers who watch their stream.
This assumption seemed a bit unfair to me, and I hope there's not much truth in it. I like to think that the SC community, as varied as it is, watches things like NASL too see the best of the best in action, and not hot girls. Obviously these two things aren't mutually exclusive, but when you hire someone to interview players/audience members about the game, it seems to me you'd want to have someone who has background knowledge about the game so they can ask insightful questions for us to actually learn things. It'd be one thing if she were just there to pose (which'd be pretty sexist, but whatever - that's another issue), but she's there under the pretense of being an interviewer/presenter and while she has plenty of charisma (see Miss Teen USA experience), she doesn't know much about the game and can't provide much insight.
Thanks for your time (I hope this didn't come off as too righteous).