First of all i want to apologize for my english, as i learnt by playing videogames so i don't have the perfect words to express myself.
I'd like to introduce myself as a new Terran Player in SC2. My name is Tristan"BuN", i'm french and i'm going 26 years old in one month. I worked in video games news during 3 years in a french website as video games are more than a passion for me, it's a great part of my life. i suppose that's a good place to talk about it without being called a nerd :d. Anyway, i also made videos for the site as i studied cinema earlier, so i was able to work with Premiere, and all adobe things for the website. It was cool, i was my own chief. After there were a big/fake economy crysis in 2008 that deal corporation to fire a big part of their employees. I was on the line, but one member of my team suicided and my only choice to stay was to get his place.... Thank you entreprise, that's really cool to work for you (i won't tell the name of this ***cking company)... So i had to stop making videos and had to add files on an assembly line for the website. That's was his job. A shitty job. But when you learn that this is all you have or you are fired, you take it and that's all. I remember what one of the bosses said when he learn the suicide "Oh my god, he had an insurrance !" That's mean the company had to pay for this insurrance and that's all he said, no feelings, nothing.. Omg... what a fucking world !! I stop here, but that part was important for the continuation of the story as it was on my motivations to succeed. So i did the shitty work during one year, and i started feeling so fucking depressive doing the same everyday-life. It was so boring and i couldn't hope of getting a better position in the company. That was not the worst work ever, but i had to change and do something i really want to do. I don't want to live to work waiting for paiement everymonth. I want to live my life as a true adventure. I want to be actor of my destiny and above all, i want to realise my dreams !
This last summer i went to holydays with my best friends and girlfriend, we talk a lot about it. Oh wait, i didn't told you what is my first dream, It's simple :
I want to be a great pro gamer in SC2
you probably heard that a thousand of times, or even feel the same. But maybe you don't have the opportunity or you think there is more important in life. I totally agree with all choice if that's your choice. But i'm the kind of guy who can't give up without try. I've so many regrets in life so i don't want to add more if i have the possibility to trying. So..... let's continue the story
My friend came to me and started saying something completely crazy : What if you leave your work, come to live with us, and start training hard ? That means i've no need to work to eat, or sleep in a descent place, and almost i have the entire day to train... At the begginning, i didn't take it seriously. But the night came and i started thinking about it. Even if Malta is not the best place to be for training, my friend is also manager of our very new proffesionnal gaming team and it would be ok to send me in tournaments if i get a real descent level. Today's there is many tools that can help the learning. I mean : we have Day9 (aka the best guy/teacher/shoutcaster/phenomen in the world), we have the streamings, we have the forums, liquipedia etc. Why not starting to train alone and see what happens ?
So i said yes, my girlfriend totally understand it and will come to live with us soon. She also want to work her english and Malta is a good place to do it. Everybody is agree ? I just had to wait 8 months for personal reasons before starting the experience. So here we go, i'm in Malta for 2 months now and i play Sc2 every day to get better.
As a player :
I'm a FPS player, i play Quake 3, Call of duty 2, counter strike (a little bit) and Team Fortress 2 during the last 10 years. My recent achievement was to finish france champion with my team in TF2 last summer (Team Xeo Frenezy). This game is really fun, but it's a lot lot of team work to get better. You need some good skill but it is very difficult to find the perfect team : Players doesn't put enough effort into improving or spending time into the game. That's totally understandable, we all have a different lif, but It often ends with big arguments and the teams fold. Even after winning the big french circuit, we folded cause some of the members didn't have enough motivation as usual. That's one of the things that brought me into SC2. The format is perfect to train as much as you want to and there is so many tournaments every days with so big prize pools for a game. I know i'm not a rts player, i did'nt even play to WC3, or any RTS ahah, you ll say i'm crazy to leave my work for SC2 even if there is a ton of awesome players that have so much more experience and time played than me. I'll just anwser that for the moment : yes, i'm crazy and i also love SC2.
As SC2 player, i started in platinum in september 2010 . I didn't play during the beta but i played Starcraft 1 some years ago , when i was like 13/14 years old. i played enough to use shortkeys, my fingers printed it (i dunno how) and i was able to use it when i started SC2 more than 10 years later (cool story bro). I did'nt play a lot until May 2011 as i had other things to do, but since that month i play about 3/4 hours a day and some days more. (I know i really need to play more but i also have to look streamings, look for strategies and do sport to stay in a good shape). I' ll play more, but later. For now, I just got from bottom diamond to Master league 2 days ago. Things become harder and questions are harder to answer even after watching replays. That's why this blog is being created, let me explain in few words.
- I come from FPS games and it's a totally different world.
- I'm not like Moman, the french Zerg Player : I don't know anybody in Starcraft community that can help me to improve. I could already get into a good multi-gamming with good players but who want's to teach someone if it's not his best friend or something like that... you know what i mean. So i'm totally alone for the moment.
- i can progress alone, but i need feedbacks and support and that would be totally fun to share it with the TL community, best community ever.
To mention the title, this blog has a simple goal. I'am your hands and you are my brain ! We converge into one Mega Terran Archon with that blog and i try to realise this dream with your ultra supa Teamliquid powered help.
This is for those which think it's impossible or thoses who would' love to do the same, but havn't the opportunity. This is for every body who like to share their experience. Experienced players are more than welcome, but every body wanting to help someone to realise his dream are more than welcome too.
Thank you for reading guys, i'm already waiting for your anwsers, questions or any feedbacks for this writting.