On June 24 2011 07:27 drooL wrote:
i watched a few minutes of sen vs tt1 g3 and i didn't like it tbh. you speak extremely slowly and you seem to be breathing a lot inbetween your words, which makes the whole thing hard to listen to and makes me personally feel uncomfortable, as in, it kind of gives me trouble breathing myself. i would give you the advice to just try to be a bit more outgoing and just be relaxed and have fun while you cast. don't try to say everything 100% right or whatever, just chill and be yourself. it just sounds like you're not really comfortable talking.
also, you need to vary your speech a bit if your cast is supposed to be exciting. as a solo caster you won't get many people to watch if you're not exciting (or if you have some incredible insight, learned that myself) because it just doesn't get people hooked.
if you just do all this for your own enjoyment and because you think it's right, keep doing it 100%. if you want to broaden your audience then realistically you have to be pretty talented (day9, totalbiscuit, khaldor) or you have to make your mind up in how you can be unique and worth while watching.
i hope this doesn't come across too harsh, but i feel i'm being pretty realistic and i'm definitely honest here.
i watched a few minutes of sen vs tt1 g3 and i didn't like it tbh. you speak extremely slowly and you seem to be breathing a lot inbetween your words, which makes the whole thing hard to listen to and makes me personally feel uncomfortable, as in, it kind of gives me trouble breathing myself. i would give you the advice to just try to be a bit more outgoing and just be relaxed and have fun while you cast. don't try to say everything 100% right or whatever, just chill and be yourself. it just sounds like you're not really comfortable talking.
also, you need to vary your speech a bit if your cast is supposed to be exciting. as a solo caster you won't get many people to watch if you're not exciting (or if you have some incredible insight, learned that myself) because it just doesn't get people hooked.
if you just do all this for your own enjoyment and because you think it's right, keep doing it 100%. if you want to broaden your audience then realistically you have to be pretty talented (day9, totalbiscuit, khaldor) or you have to make your mind up in how you can be unique and worth while watching.
i hope this doesn't come across too harsh, but i feel i'm being pretty realistic and i'm definitely honest here.
Thanks for the honest response.
I know that the breathing is a big problem in my casts (to the point where i thought about removing the breathing sounds in post-processing). As i usually only talk as little as neccessary (and, where possible, less than that), i'm not really used to speaking a lot - which means my breathing is not really adjusted to this (yet). I'm working on that and hope to improve it just by casting more, though i fear it will never really go away.
I will try to follow your advice on the other points and hope to improve some day
For the others: i uploaded 2 english casts (and 2 more in the queue which i will upload when i'm back home today), though i'm not really happy about them as i speak even slower in those videos. I can read, write and listen to english without any problems, but when it gets to speaking english i have some trouble and it takes a lot of concentration away from the game.
I will continue casting for now and hope to improve some day with the help of the suggestions i got here. At least i didn't get a "you suck horribly, don't ever touch a microphone again" :p