Here's notes from the games I played:
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[RT][Metalopolis][Win] Zomodok - Held off his early 2-rax bunker pressure play, expanded fairly normally, went heavy burrowed roach, took my third, noticed he didn't have detection and simply set my roaches up right near his tanks and won.
[Z][Shattered Temple][Loss] Blimmy - Close positions. My play was a bit wishy washy. I went for the 21 expand, scouted a baneling nest, canceled expansion, started spine crawler and another queen, dropped roach warren, put drones in gas, and didn't have enough gas when RW was done and his banelings just waltzed up and killed me.
[Z][Shakuras Plateau][Win] AgoraphObia - We both went 14gas14pool, he applied some pressure, I held it off, denied his nat, sniped a queen, droned up, held off his roach push, started a 3rd while pumping roaches, saw him eventually move out with a small force of roaches and two infestors. Positioned my roaches to snipe his infestors and he left. Oh I managed to sneak a zergling in early game to spy his roach warren, and I should've scouted with my overlord sooner than I did. Also my speedling force midfield got killed without me even noticing.
[T][Tal'darim Altar][Loss] Axion - I scouted 3 raxes, so I dropped a baneling nest. Held off his first push. He later made another push with tanks which I held off, though not strongly. He then did a third push which I kinda botched, he took out my nat, but I got some good fungals. After killing my nat he pulled back and expanded, while I hadn't started my third yet. My money is just crazy high throughout the game, even though I was using up all my larvae. If I'm going to be going heavy ling, I practically have to either expand like crazy or drop some macro hatches. He then made a huge push with marines, marauders, thors, siege tanks, medivacs, ravens and ghosts. At this point I'm 80 food behind him, and my army is a joke compared to his. I also think having to kill my rocks for my third is throwing my expand timings off, so from now on, if I don't remember to kill my back rocks early, and I need to expand, I'm going to expand to my fourth until I start remembering.
[P][Xel'naga Caverns][Win] TmC - He went 3-gate expand, then into colossus. I saw his army move out, so I had my roaches sneak past the xel'naga tower he controlled to his natural and sniped his nexus. Retreated, held of a few pushes of his. Got infestors and had a few engagements while taking 3rd and 4th. My money got really high, gas was my limiter. Not really sure how to spend it any better, though I'm sure I missed a few larvae injects, and my queen control was a bit messy. I need to build my queens before my hatcheries. Eventually I killed his 3rd and he gg'd. I don't need to build that handful of lings when pool finishes unless I'm planning on being really, really aggressive. Just 1 set for scouting should do. I probably should've gotten out a spire to handle the colossus as opposed to having my roaches try to snipe them, but (at least in this league) grabbing just a small handful of roaches and telling them to go straight for the colossus seems to be effective in at least keeping the colossus from standing there dpsing.
[T][Slag Pits][Loss] Psieye - Pretty frustrated about this one. I outexpanded him, kept him contained, applied pressure, but turtling terrans are so damned hard to break. Eventually I got to a massive 10+ brood lord with corruptor and muta support, along with a shitton of lings, and he just melted it with vikings and ghosts. I should've switched to ultras I guess, it just didn't occur to me at the time. I dropped a roach warren at some point, not sure why. I guess I was just frustrated.
[T][Delta Quadrant][Loss] Rhinoa - He attempted some 2-rax bunker play, which I held off. After that I went for some of the worst baneling bust attempts I've ever attempted or witnessed, and kept trying over and over. Eventually I scouted a factory, and attempt one last bust which failed because of a siege tank. I droned up, thought I had map control, but didn't realize there weren't destructible rocks or something keeping him from taking the lower route. He just waltzed up and destroyed my base. I should've stopped my baneling bust attempts after I saw he had 2 full bunkers in great positions, unless I had a massive force, which I did not.
[P][Typhon Peaks][Loss] panda - I was doing my typical 21expand into roaches. He went double gas expand. I forgot to positions my overlord for the mid-game scout and he went DT's and I had no detection.
[Z][Shakuras Plateau][Win] HighBridge - We both applied pressure at the start, I thought I would crumble at one point but I barely held off. Droned up, double-expanded. Roaches/infestors and pushed. He went roach/hydra/infestor, and I just pulled him down his ramp and got some good fungals off. I think I had way more food than him too.
[T][Backwater Gulch][Win] Marcosryu - He did some early hellion pressure that I wasn't really prepared for, but held off with minimal losses. Droned up, went roaches. He went marine/siege tank. He left his siege tanks rather vulnerable, so my roaches sniped them when possible. I noticed he didn't have much detection, so I went burrowed roaches, dug up his ramp and sniped more tanks, then started killing everything.
[P][Tal'darim Altar][Win] slippy - He forge expanded, so I took a really greedy third. I almost lost when he pushed out, but I don't think he realized I didn't have ANY military forces. I got enough roaches out to defend myself, had 3 overseers locking down his robo facility rather easily. I had a spire, but never really had to use it because he never really had a decent number of colossus out. He got DT's at some point, and I should've dropped spore/spine at my third and fourth.
[Z][Slag Pits][Loss] Gforce - We just did a bunch of speedling play, and he transitioned into banelings while I took forever to transition into anything. Next time I think I'll try going into roaches and spine crawlers.
[Z][Xel'naga Caverns][Win] Cashew - He 7pooled, I held even though I didn't scout.
[P][Tal'darim Altar][Loss] uurnn - He did crazy air pressure that I thought I held alright, but it really threw me off. He then transitioned into colossus and pushed my shit in as usual. I really need to learn to handle colossus better.
[Z][Scrap Station][Win] Nightmare - I went for some speedling aggression, he went for a 1-base roach play. I didn't scout how many roaches he had, and we exchanged naturals for quite a while. He got hydras out at some point, and I thought for sure he'd kill me. Barely held him off, re-expanded, pumped roaches and eventually won. I think this match is a great example of why people hate ZvZ.
[Z][Shattered Temple][Loss] Blimmy - Close positions. My play was a bit wishy washy. I went for the 21 expand, scouted a baneling nest, canceled expansion, started spine crawler and another queen, dropped roach warren, put drones in gas, and didn't have enough gas when RW was done and his banelings just waltzed up and killed me.
[Z][Shakuras Plateau][Win] AgoraphObia - We both went 14gas14pool, he applied some pressure, I held it off, denied his nat, sniped a queen, droned up, held off his roach push, started a 3rd while pumping roaches, saw him eventually move out with a small force of roaches and two infestors. Positioned my roaches to snipe his infestors and he left. Oh I managed to sneak a zergling in early game to spy his roach warren, and I should've scouted with my overlord sooner than I did. Also my speedling force midfield got killed without me even noticing.
[T][Tal'darim Altar][Loss] Axion - I scouted 3 raxes, so I dropped a baneling nest. Held off his first push. He later made another push with tanks which I held off, though not strongly. He then did a third push which I kinda botched, he took out my nat, but I got some good fungals. After killing my nat he pulled back and expanded, while I hadn't started my third yet. My money is just crazy high throughout the game, even though I was using up all my larvae. If I'm going to be going heavy ling, I practically have to either expand like crazy or drop some macro hatches. He then made a huge push with marines, marauders, thors, siege tanks, medivacs, ravens and ghosts. At this point I'm 80 food behind him, and my army is a joke compared to his. I also think having to kill my rocks for my third is throwing my expand timings off, so from now on, if I don't remember to kill my back rocks early, and I need to expand, I'm going to expand to my fourth until I start remembering.
[P][Xel'naga Caverns][Win] TmC - He went 3-gate expand, then into colossus. I saw his army move out, so I had my roaches sneak past the xel'naga tower he controlled to his natural and sniped his nexus. Retreated, held of a few pushes of his. Got infestors and had a few engagements while taking 3rd and 4th. My money got really high, gas was my limiter. Not really sure how to spend it any better, though I'm sure I missed a few larvae injects, and my queen control was a bit messy. I need to build my queens before my hatcheries. Eventually I killed his 3rd and he gg'd. I don't need to build that handful of lings when pool finishes unless I'm planning on being really, really aggressive. Just 1 set for scouting should do. I probably should've gotten out a spire to handle the colossus as opposed to having my roaches try to snipe them, but (at least in this league) grabbing just a small handful of roaches and telling them to go straight for the colossus seems to be effective in at least keeping the colossus from standing there dpsing.
[T][Slag Pits][Loss] Psieye - Pretty frustrated about this one. I outexpanded him, kept him contained, applied pressure, but turtling terrans are so damned hard to break. Eventually I got to a massive 10+ brood lord with corruptor and muta support, along with a shitton of lings, and he just melted it with vikings and ghosts. I should've switched to ultras I guess, it just didn't occur to me at the time. I dropped a roach warren at some point, not sure why. I guess I was just frustrated.
[T][Delta Quadrant][Loss] Rhinoa - He attempted some 2-rax bunker play, which I held off. After that I went for some of the worst baneling bust attempts I've ever attempted or witnessed, and kept trying over and over. Eventually I scouted a factory, and attempt one last bust which failed because of a siege tank. I droned up, thought I had map control, but didn't realize there weren't destructible rocks or something keeping him from taking the lower route. He just waltzed up and destroyed my base. I should've stopped my baneling bust attempts after I saw he had 2 full bunkers in great positions, unless I had a massive force, which I did not.
[P][Typhon Peaks][Loss] panda - I was doing my typical 21expand into roaches. He went double gas expand. I forgot to positions my overlord for the mid-game scout and he went DT's and I had no detection.
[Z][Shakuras Plateau][Win] HighBridge - We both applied pressure at the start, I thought I would crumble at one point but I barely held off. Droned up, double-expanded. Roaches/infestors and pushed. He went roach/hydra/infestor, and I just pulled him down his ramp and got some good fungals off. I think I had way more food than him too.
[T][Backwater Gulch][Win] Marcosryu - He did some early hellion pressure that I wasn't really prepared for, but held off with minimal losses. Droned up, went roaches. He went marine/siege tank. He left his siege tanks rather vulnerable, so my roaches sniped them when possible. I noticed he didn't have much detection, so I went burrowed roaches, dug up his ramp and sniped more tanks, then started killing everything.
[P][Tal'darim Altar][Win] slippy - He forge expanded, so I took a really greedy third. I almost lost when he pushed out, but I don't think he realized I didn't have ANY military forces. I got enough roaches out to defend myself, had 3 overseers locking down his robo facility rather easily. I had a spire, but never really had to use it because he never really had a decent number of colossus out. He got DT's at some point, and I should've dropped spore/spine at my third and fourth.
[Z][Slag Pits][Loss] Gforce - We just did a bunch of speedling play, and he transitioned into banelings while I took forever to transition into anything. Next time I think I'll try going into roaches and spine crawlers.
[Z][Xel'naga Caverns][Win] Cashew - He 7pooled, I held even though I didn't scout.
[P][Tal'darim Altar][Loss] uurnn - He did crazy air pressure that I thought I held alright, but it really threw me off. He then transitioned into colossus and pushed my shit in as usual. I really need to learn to handle colossus better.
[Z][Scrap Station][Win] Nightmare - I went for some speedling aggression, he went for a 1-base roach play. I didn't scout how many roaches he had, and we exchanged naturals for quite a while. He got hydras out at some point, and I thought for sure he'd kill me. Barely held him off, re-expanded, pumped roaches and eventually won. I think this match is a great example of why people hate ZvZ.
Games Played: 70/80