Part 4
28 Granite 129
A baby is born unto Dumat Onulrash. The gods must have a cruel sense of humor. How could they let anyone be born into this?
14 Slate 129
The Fortress attracted no migrants this season... I wonder why?
20 Slate 129
Today a kidnapper made off with one of our children. That makes our population change 0 on the season. I would love to install some traps to protect us but I have no access to stone. For now I’ll assign the crossbow militia to rotate turns defending the bridge.
24 Felsite 129
I’ve been working on a project that should get us safely through the aquifer. The plan is to pump water from one section of the aquifer into another section allowing us to build walls in the section that is being pumped out to seal the water out. We will repeat this process as many times as necessary. Its essentially the same concept I tried initially but instead of pumping the water into the freezing air where it will freeze I’m having it pumped back under ground. Heres the first floor of pumps in action.
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8 Hematite 129
Cog Odgubuzol, Planter, had a son today. Hopefully we can prevent him from being snatched... Whats up with all these food types having kids? Do they not have enough work to do?
23 Hematite 129
The “mayor” is throwing a tantrum. He told me he wants a decent office, decent quarters, decent dining room, 2 chests, 1 cabinet, a weapon rack, and an armor stand. I told him i want him to shut up and be quite. Who do you think got what they wanted?
I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t the so called mayor.
I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t the so called mayor.
12 Malachite 129
Rimtar Nervucar has given birth to a girl! This is a great year! Three births and we are making progress on breaking through the aquifer! We have almost pumped all of the water out of one level and created walls in it!
4 Galena 129
FAILURE! Our miners accidentally joined the aquifer removal area with the stairs subsequently allowing the aquifer to flood the pumping operations.
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At this point the only thing we can do is abandon the fort and hopefully salvage most of our equipment. This experiment did serve as a proof of concept for the idea though. We will dig a new fort and make a second attempt!
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At this point the only thing we can do is abandon the fort and hopefully salvage most of our equipment. This experiment did serve as a proof of concept for the idea though. We will dig a new fort and make a second attempt!
10 Galena 129
Our mayor banned the export of Zinc. Considering we don’t even have access to any stone let alone zinc I think I’ll let him have this one, for now.
12 Galena 129
Good thing this is a year of many births. Its also a year of many kid nappings. I know I said I would station the militia to protect the children but frankly I need every available body to pump water. Some times sacrifices have to be made - in this case to goblins.
20 Galena 129
OH SHI- an ambush (and a snatcher too)! Blasted goblins! This is why we need to get past this aquifer... Gods save us now.
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Kor Zanegestil was the first casualty. He was slain by a single hack from the goblin axeman’s silver battle axe. The attack shattered his skull and tore apart his brain. Tekkud Limulurol was also struck down in the same fashion by the same goblin.
Ber Tinothmeng has bled to death from a sever cut to the leg. Even the bees are taking this oppourtunity to fight for the freedom! So far Cog Odgubuzol and Iton Nekolmedtob have been stung!
Udib Medtobshetbeth, Kivish Idenfoker, Nish Shemrithar, and Stinthad Narkosoth, Dumat Onulrash, Morul Othilbesmar, Momuz Ritzas, and EralOlinbubnus have also fallen.
They’re even killing babies!
Ushrir Vathezmedtob, Stukos Bisekfikod, Oddom Erushlogem, and Ducim Rulushavuz have also fallen. At this point we’re just waiting for the goblins to come butcher us. We have no way to defend ourselves and no way to lock them out. I’m getting out of here while I still can. I heard that the coup at the capital was a success so I can safely return home. Maybe I’ll venture out into the wilderness again some day but if I do I’ll be much better prepared.
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Kor Zanegestil was the first casualty. He was slain by a single hack from the goblin axeman’s silver battle axe. The attack shattered his skull and tore apart his brain. Tekkud Limulurol was also struck down in the same fashion by the same goblin.
Ber Tinothmeng has bled to death from a sever cut to the leg. Even the bees are taking this oppourtunity to fight for the freedom! So far Cog Odgubuzol and Iton Nekolmedtob have been stung!
Udib Medtobshetbeth, Kivish Idenfoker, Nish Shemrithar, and Stinthad Narkosoth, Dumat Onulrash, Morul Othilbesmar, Momuz Ritzas, and EralOlinbubnus have also fallen.
They’re even killing babies!
Ushrir Vathezmedtob, Stukos Bisekfikod, Oddom Erushlogem, and Ducim Rulushavuz have also fallen. At this point we’re just waiting for the goblins to come butcher us. We have no way to defend ourselves and no way to lock them out. I’m getting out of here while I still can. I heard that the coup at the capital was a success so I can safely return home. Maybe I’ll venture out into the wilderness again some day but if I do I’ll be much better prepared.
Author's Note: Well, that was unexpected, but not altogether surprising at all. I really needed to get through that aquifer and just coulnd't. I've never had a starting location where the aquifer seemed to literally cover every single square before. Its pretty tough. Starting with no useful items (ie: a pick) certainly didn't help the matter at all.
Oddly, I didn't really mind not having any worthwhile skills. Its pretty easy to manage dwarves using Dwarf Therapist and they do good enough work without any starting points for you to get along fine.
Overall, I'm not sure how I feel about this fortress. Obviously, it was challenging, but I'm not sure if its the kind of challenging that's fun (with a lower case "f"). Struggling to get through the aquifer and essentially being able to only play half of the game was actually kind of a drag because it prevented me from progressing to a point where FUN things could happen - if that makes any sense. Maybe I just don't appreciate the kind of challenge this sort of game presents though. Every little thing you accomplish is HUGE because it was so hard to do. Maybe I would have felt differently If I had managed to actually get through the aquifer. Maybe next time (when I'm less of a noob) I'll do better.
I think I'll keep doing these but I'm not 100% sure what the next one will be. Maybe I will choose an embark that is challenging in a different way (lots of baddies or something) but bring the basics so I can get myself established (something I was never able to do in this game). If you're still reading at this point I <3 you. Please leave comments on what you liked/didn't like about my first attempt at this. Sorry I lost so fast, but its Dwarf Fortress so what were you expecting?
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