1. The Minecraft server that I go to needs a bit of work now that 1.6 is out. And,
Now I got that out of the way, onto the actual blog I was about to write (which I am writing right now):
So far, I managed to scrape my way from the Top 15 to the Top 9. My first match on Scrap Station was kinda odd because it was the very same Terran opponent that I defeated last night with a Zerg rush of speedlings and three roaches. Because my micro was a bit off being this my first match of the night, my first wave of speedlings and roaches never made it out alive. Although I did manage to score a win because he had to get a Thor into the battlefield and we all know how they can be taken down so quickly by speedlings.
Second match on Backwater Gulch was quite possibly the worst match I have ever had. I got attacked by the first push, just when I got a reasonable amount of roaches, zerglings and Mutas too. I could have gotten this match in the bag had I only remembered to make Banelings. Hell, I made a fucking Baneling nest based on his build and I forgot to use it? DERP!!!!!
Match number 3 was a ZvZ in Shakuras Plateau and I have to ask this question: WHY DO I USUALLY END UP WITH A SIX POOLING OPPONENT IN ZvZ? Seriously? Anyway, my opponent was six pooling me but it was a good thing I set up a decent defense of two Spine Crawlers and a Queen, while I prepared my Speedlings. Because I have below average micro, I wasn't able to take down my opponent as quickly as I would have expected. It took him til the 10 minute mark to actually consider defending himself with spores, but since I got speedlings, it doesn't matter as much. It was then that he got connection issues which got me free ladder points anyway.
Match number 4 was on Xel'Naga Caverns. Again, another ZvZ. but least he did not six pool. Though I took the opportunity to take his base down before my first expansion was all set. XD
Final Match of the day was a TvZ on Backwater Gulch. My Terran opponent was going of what I would assume is a Mega Rax build with a Factory and two Starports. His defenses were quite solid since I can't break through with what ground units I have at the time and he got missile turrets everywhere. Just to play it safe, I made a couple of Spores and Spines around my hatcheries in case of a Banshee harassment. As my Terran opponent plans on taking me down with his Marines, Marauders and Tanks, I prepared a couple of Infestors and got some Hydralisks at the ready to back up my Roaches before I went for a second expansion which is directly below his base. And since I cannot use my Mutalisks to harass his main, why not let em scout around for possible expansions, which they managed to take down without fail thanks to a couple of upgrades. All I did basically to win this match was hold my defenses til he is resource starved which resulted in a GG.
Alrighty, that's my laddering journal for now. Wish I could send in replays, but who would wanna watch a Bronze player like myself, eh? Besides, SC2replayed has yet to update and I usually post my replays there. I hate going for manual uploads.
P.S. I was writing this while listening to Naniwa's stream. I do have to say: he's got good taste in video game music.