1:名無しさん@涙目です。(埼玉県):2011/05/11(水) 15:40:12.91ID:mseusMpb0●
2:名無しさん@涙目です。(新潟県):2011/05/11(水) 15:40:50.56ID:wKQCV79i0
Healthcare centers infuriated!
Call for cease of operations!
6:名無しさん@涙目です。(福島県):2011/05/11(水) 15:41:57.49ID:Ohni7tGR0
That's way past the level of just selling things
5:名無しさん@涙目です。(不明なsoftbank):2011/05/11(水) 15:41:10.66ID:TviNzkGE0
I'm speechless.
20:名無しさん@涙目です。(catv?):2011/05/11(水) 15:44:56.03ID:fErGEIWr0
"We're selling drinks!" By the roadside amongst the rubble in Miyagi prefecture's Minamisanriku city, one convenience store resumed operations.
Their furniture consisted of one small table. The employees consisted of a family of five and their friends.
What re-opened was "Seven Eleven Sizugawa Tennoumae Branch," which had been operating in the Sizugawa region for 15 years. The Owner, Watanabe Ryuu (48) said, "I wanted to as much as I could, no matter how small," and put up a cardboard sign saying "Open."
Two months ago, their store was wiped out entirely by the tsunami. He was lost for several days, but decided, "My family of five was all safe," and was determined to re-open.
The employees consisted of his wife and three kids. When he placed the small table in the parking lot in front of his store, he felt reinvigorated. Borrowing a small truck with refrigerating, he sets up shop from 10AM to 4PM with goods shipped from Tome city's branch.
Drinks, bread, pudding, et cetera; while there isn't a great variety, those involved with reconstruction efforts, young people whom have come to volunteer, form a line along with victims of the disaster. One volunteer, a man from Tokyo prefecture's Hino city (29) said, "We are unable to eat (the victims') supplies, so it's a huge help."
Recently, his son's friends have also come to lend a hand. His wife Chiharu-san (38) said, "Everything we put together for 15 years was washed away by the tsunami. But we hope to start putting things together again."
Before the disaster:
46:名無しさん@涙目です。(京都府):2011/05/11(水) 15:47:50.73ID:2o4uwEkK0
I hope them well
8:名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋):2011/05/11(水) 15:42:48.46ID:yCLr9hy60
24 hours of effort
14:名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍):2011/05/11(水) 15:44:08.08ID:bUdJV1uR0
I'm glad they're open ^^
18:名無しさん@涙目です。(秋田県):2011/05/11(水) 15:44:36.08ID:lje/B8nj0
Things are still like this
16:名無しさん@涙目です。(新潟・東北):2011/05/11(水) 15:44:18.16ID:bcrPtuBmO
In a way, it's the most spacious
25:名無しさん@涙目です。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/05/11(水) 15:45:25.37ID:evZyn6yWO
They've even got the carrying totes around, how prepared
189:名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋):2011/05/11(水) 16:07:43.27ID:bL1W46Od0
It almost looks like they'd be selling Herbs, Remedies (anti-poison), Holy Water (T/N: DQ/JRPG reference)
26:名無しさん@涙目です。(岡山県):2011/05/11(水) 15:45:28.10ID:QVgnVTTa0
They're living a life like from Fallout as if it's ordinary
139:名無しさん@涙目です。(鳥取県):2011/05/11(水) 15:59:30.39ID:0R3ZKNVI0
As a resident of Tottori I'm actually quite envious.
326:名無しさん@涙目です。(千葉県):2011/05/11(水) 16:43:36.51ID:Ngr/CXUv0
57:名無しさん@涙目です。(京都府):2011/05/11(水) 15:49:05.16ID:owTmaV+00
Japan's pretty scary for currency exchange to still function during these sorts of times
230:名無しさん@涙目です。(福岡県):2011/05/11(水) 16:18:44.29ID:kWNpncQa0
Seven Eleven also known as Fresh Produce Market
246:名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都):2011/05/11(水) 16:22:47.63ID:I0y1aUmB0
There're bricks!
285:名無しさん@涙目です。(福岡県):2011/05/11(水) 16:32:04.96ID:kWNpncQa0
The store was crushed, but they cleared up the rubble
255:名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋):2011/05/11(水) 16:25:32.44ID:81bqdwUt0
It's pretty depressing being able to recognize that it's where a Seven Eleven used to be just based on the bricks lying in the background
309:名無しさん@涙目です。(catv?):2011/05/11(水) 16:37:34.47ID:fErGEIWr0
>>230 what it looks like inside
310:名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都):2011/05/11(水) 16:39:04.93ID:CWiRYYnm0
Wow, that's amazing. It doesn't look like it was hurriedly patched together.
231:名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋):2011/05/11(水) 16:18:59.58ID:4O/OedMr0
Did they really get permission from HQ?
If so, you'd imagine the Seven Eleven would lend out their specialized trucks like Lawson
274:名無しさん@涙目です。(catv?):2011/05/11(水) 16:29:37.15ID:fErGEIWr0
>>1 another view of their store
Would imagine this truck was lent out by HQ
280:名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都):2011/05/11(水) 16:31:30.04ID:6FzQfaU+0
Yup yup. The merchandise is sold through the refrigerated truck, the cashier is just outside. The image from >>1 is just a bit misleading lol
380:名無しさん@涙目です。(福岡県):2011/05/11(水) 17:22:37.67ID:kWNpncQa0
Another, similar store in Miyagi
313:名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍):2011/05/11(水) 16:39:58.34ID:IkiJun7C0
Still, Japan's pretty amazing
I feel like if you put stuff out like this, you'd just get robbed blind in other countries
The employees don't look particularly strong too lol
359: 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 (東京都):2011/05/11(水) 16:58:47.73ID:1aYRPWmo0
It looks almost like a wartorn region that was bombed to bits and is just starting to reconstruct
194:名無しさん@涙目です。(大阪府):2011/05/11(水) 16:09:40.55ID:OoUs3o3o0
It's amazing lol
Even under these circumstances, they wear their uniforms and have the carrying totes lying around
I'm touched