The company who run it was Supernova, and there was a 2-day festival with over 15 teenage bands competing to win the prizes. This area, Kingston, has a lot of talent and it was an amazing experience to just be able to play. The prizes were split up so that each day there was a first and second place winner, and there was a grand prize winner for both days. The prizes were as follows:
1st Place: 8 hours of free recording time and a spot in the city finals.
2nd Place: 4 hours of free recording time and a spot in the city finals.
Grand Prize: A 3-city tour in Ontario/Montreal (3 venues of the band's choice)
Now obviously this is not a very big event (attending-wise), and is meant for small local bands but the thrill of getting free time inside a recording studio AND shows in other cities is very exciting for these mainly teenage bands. The degree of success is VERY relative as many people on Teamliquid have bands that are doing very well, and this is just meant as an exclamation of joy for me and my band members.
My band, An Absolute Hero won both the 1st place prize and the Grand prize, and we also got an extra 4 hours of studio time for selling the most tickets personally. For our debut concert, this is a huge deal for us to get so much out of playing one show. We can be found on facebook and I will also link our page on the Supernova page.
SuperNova Page
Facebook Page