My tastes change often and I love it. I don't master many things, but I dibble dabble in a whole bunch of shit. Here are a few of the things I've been into this month:
Listening to joe rogan's podcast. It's free, it's funny, and joe has strong opinions that he sticks to which I appreciate. His guests are mostly comedians, and they cover a wide range of topics. Been enjoying the shit out of this!
Working out. I'm doing bruce lee workouts – forearm workouts are in right now. Qi gung mental hygiene and barefoot running (Born to run by chris mcdougall got me onto it) have also been staples. It's been absolutely great. I love working out everyday and feeling more energetic than when I sleep 12 hours a day. I really like watching Bw streams on TL and just doing sit-ups on my exercise ball. It's so precise and enjoyable. And having the sounds of starcraft in the background of the awesome music I'm listening to makes the workout that much more...more!
Meditation. Been doing some Transformative Shifting meditation. I found it through bashar, a channel by daryll anka. It might sound absolutely ridiculous tin foil hat type shit, but I find it's engaging and increases my awareness of synchronicity. I accept the information from a so called “channel” as just information, and aren't a gullible shmuck I don't see the hurt in it. It's been helpful for me. I mean not all channeling has great information obviously, but I enjoy anka's. Been all positives for me.
Stretching. Been doing yoga that I cater to my own needs. Right now I'm targeting my hips, lower back, and thighs - these are def my weak points of my body right now. Inflexible, but I'm giving them the attention they deserve! Been using this info as a source:
Camping. Self-explanatory but amazing! There's just something about it, that I am so into.
Watching random shit on netflix... Parking wars, wolverine documentaries, movies of books I've read (Girl with the dragon tattoo, peaceful warrior, fear and loathing in las vegas, etc. )
Reading. A heart's Code by Paul Pearsall....Life of an artist, a book about bruce lee and his philosophy...I've started using the I ching finally after hearing about it for years, it's been really fun. Also reading a few different translations of the Tao te Ching by lao tsu.
Taking care of my bonsai tree. It's a serissa foetida and I've been working on taking good care of it this spring in anticipation of summer and it's first flowering. I'm excited, I love this little tree, it's growing and it's legit.
What kind of shit have you been into this month? Anything new you just got into, or even stuff you've been doing for a while and you did this month too, let me know? Share bitches... =)