Good Day!
I am Wawa and I am a Caster for the Philippine SC2 Community.
I have been casting for quite a while now and I THINK that I have improved quite a lot already since i started.
Here is my FIRST EVER cast which happened Aug 2010: + Show Spoiler +
I know.. it's VERY BAD!!!!! and my choice for games to catch back then wasn't really impressive.
Now, here is my latest VOD uploaded on my channel: + Show Spoiler +
I think I can safely say that I have improved since I started. But of course that's what i'm gonna think. XD
Now, i am looking for your feedback on how i can improve more with my castings.
Im really hoping that I won't get trolled a lot and hoping that i get a lot of productive criticism.
My goal is to be a great caster. I want to know how close I am to getting there.
Thanks and More Power to Team Liquid!!!
The contrast between the first vod and the second one is hilarious (in a good way); my advice is to organize your thoughts, you go all over the place with what you are talking about. Also when you are explaining stuff try to slow down your voice -- imo it's only really appropriate to talk really fast when a lot of stuff is happening (ie moletrap). There is most likely more, but that's all I have to say for now :D
you seem to be nervous while you cast these. You can tell because you repeat some words A LOT :p.
Otherwise its enjoyable
I don't play or watch SC2 but I really enjoyed your latest commentary. I LOVE the accent and how fast you talk, don't really care about being all over the place like what CrazyF1r3f0x said; if that's your style, you roll with it (or change it accordingly) Will look out for you when I transition into SC2 watching (but that won't happen untill BW is done; too lazy to learn SC2 atm )
thanks for the feedback so far guys!
all of you guys have a point and i think are correct on what i need to improve on.
will try to improve on those on my next VoD.
@uldridge - i think BW still has 2 or more years until it just starts to go down so i guess i can;t expect your viewership for a while. )
i still watch BW matches too! still pretty awesome!