On March 14 2011 01:51 FakePlasticLove wrote: Would this be more acceptable if it was by a Korean or a Chinese? (I know tons of Koreans and netizens who are glad it's Japan)
If Japan has to feel bad about a war crime, Pearl Harbor definitely ain't it.
I don't think anyone here is trying to justify it. I wasn't trying to justify it with my post, either, I was just saying that you can't base a country on a vocal group of people. People that post things like this on facebook or anything similar aren't what the US is about. Japan has nothing to feel bad about, nor does the US (imo)...shit happens and what was done is done. It was in the 1940s for crying out loud, we can't go back in time and undo Pearl Harbor. We can't undo dropping the bombs. People have no reason to even correlate the Earthquake to Pearl Harbor, they're just being idiots.
If you're going to let your thoughts of people you don't even know be decided by people's stupid postings on Facebook, you're making a mistake.
I did an interpretive dance as a joke about the tsunami hitting Japan. I know it's a terrible event, and I'm not one of those idiots who thinks that people "have it coming". I am American, and I'm not stupid. There are lots of stupid people both in this country and in the OPs, but stereotypically Americans are the loudmouthed idiots. That's not really true, but it's so easy to find people who DO act that way because of the sheer number of people in the US and the sheer size of the population which doesn't get great education (both from family and the school system).
I don't get how people can expect others to be familiar with world history in detail when they don't even know how to divide properly and efficiently by their junior years in high school. I don't understand how you can say that a country is inept because the children of Cletus in the mountains or the over-privileged and under-intelligent in Beverly Hills act that way.
The thing is, people do disgustingly stupid things all the time, regardless of race or nationality or religion. Nobody is perfect and lots of people are ignorant. You just have to get used to that -- even you fall under that blanket.
edit: For clarification, I see nothing wrong with making light of disastrous events, because sometimes the best way to accept the way that you live and the world you live in (with all of its uncertainty) is to appreciate the fact that there are things you can't change and that you must live with.
On March 14 2011 01:51 FakePlasticLove wrote: Would this be more acceptable if it was by a Korean or a Chinese? (I know tons of Koreans and netizens who are glad it's Japan)
If Japan has to feel bad about a war crime, Pearl Harbor definitely ain't it.
I don't think anyone here is trying to justify it. I wasn't trying to justify it with my post, either, I was just saying that you can't base a country on a vocal group of people. People that post things like this on facebook or anything similar aren't what the US is about. Japan has nothing to feel bad about, nor does the US (imo)...shit happens and what was done is done. It was in the 1940s for crying out loud, we can't go back in time and undo Pearl Harbor. We can't undo dropping the bombs. People have no reason to even correlate the Earthquake to Pearl Harbor, they're just being idiots.
If you're going to let your thoughts of people you don't even know be decided by people's stupid postings on Facebook, you're making a mistake.
You serious? You make it sound like the 40's were centuries ago. So I'm guessing stuff like genocides in Darfur will just "ease" into history in few years? OF COURSE Japan should feel bad about this And they DO feel bad. Japanese government has expressed remorse/regret and released (half-assed) apologies
Who are you to say they have nothing to feel bad about? That's a HUGE middle finger to anyone with a relative who suffered terribly by the Japanese war atrocities. Same thing for U.S. It should feel bad about committing the worst war crime in history
To be fair, dropping the bombs wasn't a war crime. It was a brutal act of warfare and arguably ended the war and potentially saved the lives of thousands of Axis and Allied troops.
You can't look at WWII through the lens of modern day knowledge any more than you can state that "it's OK" that someone got nuked. This isn't StarCraft -- nukes don't do partial damage to buildings, they kill everything.
Sure, people are idiots and say stupid things, but the truth is that history is history. People in this day and age won't understand the decades that our parents and grandparents have lived before us because they can't. They weren't there.
Nothing "makes up" for something else in war. Nuclear weaponry being used against major Japanese cities does not just magically equalize everything and make events like Pearl Harbor or the countless island battles go away. Warfare does damage to everyone involved, there's no such thing as getting even, only losing.
I wouldn't get too bent over from these pictures. You can tell from their typing that these comments are coming from a rather uneducated group of people and it's actually unfortunate to see that there are adults with these jaded views. On the other hand, the little teeny boppers posting those "remember Pearl Harbor" comments are pretty hilarious, though. Like wtf, you know they don't give a rat's ass or know anything about Pearl Harbor other than that Americans died and are just trying to "look big" on facebook.
However, dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is somewhat questionable. It wasn't really intimidation, as intimidating someone is threatening but not doing.
Kind of threatening someone to chop off his arm by... chopping off his arm.
I don't know much about the previous tests, but it is likely that very few did know what were going to be the consequences.
There were a bunch of these as well after the earthquake in Haiti, where people asked 'why are we helping Haiti, noone helped us after Katrina!'
EDIT: Found some of 'em, there were tons more though...
It's so classy that Katrina was brought up here and the original post.
Japan and its companies sent us a few million in aid and supplies. Hell, a lot of countries sent aid and supplies, but, derp, our government sold the stuff for cash because we don't have a disaster relief infrastructure that could make use of all the goods. #1 bureaucracy.
Well one things is for certain and that is war really really sucks. The Japanese were somewhat justified for their attack given the context of the times. The eventual bombs that were dropped are debatable whether they were necessary, but think about this:
1) it didn't look like Japan would surrender under any normal circumstances. 2) Their cities were being destroyed by firebombing with thousands dying and yet the Military would not give in. 3) They were given warning to the first bomb but refused to give in without keeping control of parts of China that they still occupied. 4) After Heroshima, they were again given a chance to surrender and they did not. 5) Even after Nagasaki, the military high council refused to surrender and had to be ordered by the Emperor. 6) Debatable, but more civilians would have died had there been an invasion or continued firebombing. Nobody wants their homeland invaded and if it is, then civilians will fight to the death regardless of the odds or how poorly armed they are. In fact citizens actually committed suicide as Americans took Okinawa. 7) No question, American military lives were sparred by the thousands as a result of the bombing. And in wartime, nations become desensitized and saving your own ppl become high priorities even at the cost of innocent lives of the enemy.
It sucks we will always have to live with the fact we are the only ones in history to use an atomic bomb and hopefully it remains that way. 1945 wasn't that long ago, but the effects will last a long time. It still hurts for both parties involved and will take centuries to heal, but I for one am very concerned for our friends the Japanese in this time of crisis.
This bullshit about retribution for pearl harbor is a total lack of respect for those that had to fight these wars for both sides and pretty much sums up why I tend to avoid "mainstream" social network places such as facebook like the plague. Too frustrating.
Even though the earthquake is bad, I feel that Americans who remember the war, then atrocities the Japanese did to the POW's, Americans, Chinese (Nanking Massacre/ Human Experimentation/torture) won't forgive them. I feel also it is karma and it sucks for the Japanese but the new generation prolly had nothing to do with pearl Harbor despite what their ancestors did ( which is unforgivable)
I am Chinese, so I do dislike the Japanese to a large extent to what they did.
On March 13 2011 17:52 Zerokaiser wrote: This is what happens in a country that's ruled by horrible media and nationalism.
Goad Japan into attacking.
Drop 2 nuclear bombs on civilian targets in Japan.
Tell Japan "they had it coming" when an earthquake kills tens of thousands of innocent people over half a century later.
EDIT: There's gonna' be a lot of comments about "There will always be idiots that you need to ignore."
I know this doesn't apply to the majority, that's not what I'm saying...but let's be honest, there's a disproportionately high amount of shit frothing from American mouths. It's tough to believe that such a developed country can be raising so many ridiculous people considering corporate interest and nationalism has only really taken hold since WW2. Mr. Americans in this thread, what is it that keeps you in the States? Is it family, friends, finance?
I agree with everything in this post except for the "goad Japan into attacking" part.
On March 13 2011 17:52 Zerokaiser wrote: This is what happens in a country that's ruled by horrible media and nationalism.
Goad Japan into attacking.
Drop 2 nuclear bombs on civilian targets in Japan.
Tell Japan "they had it coming" when an earthquake kills tens of thousands of innocent people over half a century later.
EDIT: There's gonna' be a lot of comments about "There will always be idiots that you need to ignore."
I know this doesn't apply to the majority, that's not what I'm saying...but let's be honest, there's a disproportionately high amount of shit frothing from American mouths. It's tough to believe that such a developed country can be raising so many ridiculous people considering corporate interest and nationalism has only really taken hold since WW2. Mr. Americans in this thread, what is it that keeps you in the States? Is it family, friends, finance?
I agree with everything in this post except for the "goad Japan into attacking" part.
That part is debatable, and IMO, false.
Denying a military power oil is an act of terrorism, bro.
regardless to those comments were made in public, i guess, its really showing how many of those people have their knowledge/ general world view / unerstanding and Values in their baby diapers, to not to be rude.. I mean like, really wtf ? not to say that US had their WTC attacks, hurricane Katrina, etc, and what in their thinking those suppose to be? a response for Hiroshima ? lol, I can't even say, why the hell someone did a picture of smth like that, its a shame for other people in the US. Especially that this comments were made probably by random people, and which are probably like 5 - 10 % people in there ( I Hope ).
Yeah there are lots of ignorant people out there it's ridiculous. But we can't really say because maybe they have gone through those. . 'times' and we haven't. We don't know what it's like at all. Tho. . . Very recently, a grand pastor in one of Korea's biggest churches stated that this happened to the Japanese because they didn't believe in God.
It's caused a huge stir and he's being bombed with a lot of shit atm.
Blind, ignorant, irrational anti-Japanese hatred leads to ignorant and irrational anti-American hatred.
Just another one of the charms of TL.
Luckily its generated rhetorical gems such as:
America [goaded] Japan into attacking.
Denying a military power oil is an act of terrorism, bro.
Mr. Americans in this thread, what is it that keeps you in the States?
I would like to state the obvious: that a small percentage of dumb yahoos does not uniformly represent an entire population, that dumb yahoo-ness is not an affliction restricted to the American condition, and that morality isn't as clear-cut in times of war as it is in the university lecture hall.
(For the moral equivalence crowd: check out the terms "Nanking occuption" and what the Germans did to Russian civilians as they invaded, and vice versa. Its quite a bit worse than the admitted injustice of the American internment camps...)
Oh, and I can point you to several international forums in which equally tasteless/stupid comments ( (compared to the facebook stuff) are being made about the tsunami. Feel free to take me up on this offer.
There's a trend here, actually. Its almost like the impersonality of the internet gives people the idea that they have free license to spout whatever shit they want...
Again, I've been in the US and I've noticed an unusual trend of wealthy ignorants. Something quite unusual that created the whole cliche of the "dumb American".
Cliches are there for a reason! Not saying that Americans are stupid in general, but there's a certain population that's rich enough to obtain a good education and who don't, and that's what so special. It's not what you would expect from such abundance and power.
The problem with that statement is you can use that to circularly justify evidence-unsupported prejudices...(e.g. X group is intrinsically dumb/lazy/uneducated -- well, I wouldn't think that if they weren't that that way, would I?)
Wait a second...
(PPS -- the spread of internet instant communication has not necessarily increased stupidity. It just made it more visible.
Back in the days of the Pony Express, only John Doe Douchebag's immediate neighborhood would know he was an idiot. Now he can twitter and demonstrate that fact to the entire world.
I suspect that Americans are statistically more likely to have twitter/facebook than residents of other countries...)