Firstly, me ranting. :DD
Secondly, a battle report from a lame, but somehow rewarding, game. (A TvP on Xel Naga)
Goddarnit. You aren't supposed to chrono boost your gateways (My 2 rax pressure initially falls quite flat)
Oops. I blunder yet again. His 3 gate comes out much faster than I anticipated.
After losing a bunch of units for ~ two stalkers he pushes with his 3 gate attack. I lost a fair number of scvs, but manage to hold.
Knowing I'm behind, I gather up my four barracks attack and push out. But forcefield and immortals prove to be too much
He doesn't do anything, and I manage to equalize and push after getting out ~4 medivacs and a third CC. Still, his forcefielding is nice...
But he runs out of energy! I rush through, massacreing stalkers, and killing his nexus. I back up, and wait.
Unfortunately, I'm blind and he kills me with the highly effective vs ground chargelot/colossus. I manage to snipe one, but lose all my bio
Feeling like I just need to hold the attack to win I retreat, hoping to flank his colossi. I don't have control of the xel naga tower, however, and lose my orbital.....
But sorry sir, you've been flanked
After this pro game, I felt a hankering to apply for the NASL. Considering that I'm sponsored by cheap prices at walmart, I think I am a qualified applicant. Once the video decides to encode correctly, I'll post that :DD
APM: I have 60. I suck. How should I improve apm >.>
Finally, gifts. Still haven't got them. So far my total lewt is 4 Strauss CDs.