I'm not yet in my 30s and I'm already showing considerable scalp. I've never been that comfortable walking around 'au naturale'(head-wise) so I wear a hat to cover this insecurity. Thank goodness I work outdoors thus do not need an excuse to wear a hat throughout the day. Although I've heard of certain hair solutions, I've never looked into it. Just too much time, too much money, and frankly I'm just too lazy.
I've heard of Propecia and Rogaine. I hear that Rogaine actually helps most men to regrow hair. How much hair? I've no idea. Propecia I believe requires prescription.
There are other answers to baldness like wigs, combovers, and transplants. Wigs are out of the question as it's extremely risky where the weather is very window. Transplants are expensive and looks really painful. The side effects can be grotesque too. Comb-overs, well, I've been practicing that as much as I've been practicing my macro/micro in SC. But soon I'll look like Homer Simpson with his 3 strands of hair so I need to look for a different solution.
Anyone here balding or know of any verified solutions?
Nearly every person I've seen starting to go bald has decided to shave their head to semi hide it. Something to consider. I'm crossing my fingers I keep my hair, cause my head's really lumpy and would probably look stupid shaved.
LOL, im 26 and im going bald too, it sucks. Hiding its the worse option i think, is better too just let everybody know, just looking at you , that your "body" is "changing" so the transition is smoother when you go full bald.
But yeah im trying to balance this hit to my ego, so now im doing exercices and trying to get buffed.
You should try to have role models, balds that have such a confidence that being bald is not that bad. Vin Diesel,Neil Strauss,David Draiman, these are my personal picks.
Just look at Vin Diesel, does any woman care he is bald with such HUGE arms?
I understand the insecurity, but honestly seeing people wear a hat - and then realizing that they're balding, makes me feel really lol-sy. I'm no girl you may be embarrassed in front of, but personally I don't mind the whole balding thing. It's a lot better than being short imo.
On February 18 2011 14:39 insanet wrote: You should try to have role models, balds that have such a confidence that being bald is not that bad. Vin Diesel,Neil Strauss,David Draiman, these are my personal picks.
is there anyone else?
On February 18 2011 14:39 Karliath wrote: I understand the insecurity, but honestly seeing people wear a hat - and then realizing that they're balding, makes me feel really lol-sy. I'm no girl you may be embarrassed in front of, but personally I don't mind the whole balding thing. It's a lot better than being short imo.
On February 18 2011 14:37 thehorsebecomesking wrote:
if some balding monkey like barry greenstein can do it why cant you?
Because Greenstein is rich and donates a lot of money to the less fortunate. Your post and video is quite unnecessary. Now on topic, if going bald isn't your style (it's not for A LOT of people) try testing out rogain, i've heard good things. If that doesn't work, try doing some research on that laser surgery.
On February 18 2011 14:44 MetalMarine wrote: Because Greenstein is extremely rich and donates a lot of money to the less fortunate
yeah he melted her heart with all the donations
nothing is stopping the op from becoming rich. or buff. or confident. if barry greenstein wasnt bald he would not magically become attractive, he would still look like an ape
I started going bald at about age 12, guess I just hit the genetic jackpot.
Stuck it out as long as I could then went shaved. I actually don't mind it that much anymore, I'm pretty athletic and it doesn't look too bad. Just don't try to hide it, its impossible and just looks lame as shit. You have to maintain baller confidence. If anyone even asks why I shaved my head I'll come right out and say I've got no hair lol.
BTW: nothing you can take medicationwise has been proven to have any effect on hair loss, don't waste your money.
Yeah, if I start going bald, i'm definitely going to shave once it starts looking pretty obvious. I'd rather be completely bald then someone who looks awkward/combovering.
In the same boat, mine's just starting and I'm 25! It's good to remember that it happens to every guy. It's just a matter of when. Your age corresponds to the percentage chance you'll start balding. Don't use rogaine or any of that crap. Just cut your hair short or shave it and pretend it doesn't bother you. It bothers every guy, of course, but just pretend it doesn't :D