Seems like I have a lot of support for the concept, so I'm in the process of collecting names before setting up any dates for group coaching.
A link to the OP, in case you missed it:
Hello TL, my name is DeCiBle(.275) and I've been a long time fan of this game and it's community.
Used to watch a lot of Day9, Husky, GSL clips, and in general Starcraft 2 strategy tutorials and pro matches. My infatuation with watching the strategy behind this game later drove me to pick it up for myself, and through a lot of rough trial and error I made it through bronze, silver, gold, and finally to Plat where I sit (un)comfortably now. (I want to be a diam damn it! [maybe higher])
As it stands I still want to improve, but I don't believe mass laddering's the best solution. (random players, random strategies, no 2 games are the same = learning from randomness and not setting up a solid foundation) IMO: Learning from the ladder is learning to deal with the flavor of the month builds, as opposed to developing a well-rounded understanding of the game and it's timings. (timings being the key point: it's hard to pin-point accurately what the timings are for certain builds if you only have experience against poorly-executed variations, or don't face it consistently enough to draw solid conclusions from it)
What i propose is we form a team of people willing to run through certain builds in certain match-ups on a weekly basis. Examining in detail (In game! hands on!) how it FEELS to play against certain builds, what the potential options/solutions are to these builds and how they play out. Scientifically breaking down each match-up and opening to the point of solid understanding.
Having trouble with 2-rax opener ZvT? We'll run a 2-rax all-in, expand, and bunker contain at you until you understand the opener inside-and out. The point is to bring a sense of understanding to the game from a 1st person perspective that videos, text, and audio can't provide.
How we'll do this is as follows: Add me on B-net (DeCiBle.275) and we'll set up practice groups, e.g. - group A consists of 5 people with a weekly goal/theme (get player B comfortable against a 4 warp gate all in); group B consists of X people practicing a different goal. Basically I'll be the hub to connect you to the different groups practicing certain strategies that week.
If you don't want to play, but would instead like to offer helpful advice and observe: that's fine as well. The general idea is to get organized and help the community as a whole grow as players by offering helpful criticism on the weak spots in their play. (as well as create connections and make new friends/practice partners by matching people up with players who accel at other players' weak points)
TLDR: I'm trying to set up a wellfare gosucoaching. Add me!
(It's class time, I'll be back later to edit this post and clean it up)
Used to watch a lot of Day9, Husky, GSL clips, and in general Starcraft 2 strategy tutorials and pro matches. My infatuation with watching the strategy behind this game later drove me to pick it up for myself, and through a lot of rough trial and error I made it through bronze, silver, gold, and finally to Plat where I sit (un)comfortably now. (I want to be a diam damn it! [maybe higher])
As it stands I still want to improve, but I don't believe mass laddering's the best solution. (random players, random strategies, no 2 games are the same = learning from randomness and not setting up a solid foundation) IMO: Learning from the ladder is learning to deal with the flavor of the month builds, as opposed to developing a well-rounded understanding of the game and it's timings. (timings being the key point: it's hard to pin-point accurately what the timings are for certain builds if you only have experience against poorly-executed variations, or don't face it consistently enough to draw solid conclusions from it)
What i propose is we form a team of people willing to run through certain builds in certain match-ups on a weekly basis. Examining in detail (In game! hands on!) how it FEELS to play against certain builds, what the potential options/solutions are to these builds and how they play out. Scientifically breaking down each match-up and opening to the point of solid understanding.
Having trouble with 2-rax opener ZvT? We'll run a 2-rax all-in, expand, and bunker contain at you until you understand the opener inside-and out. The point is to bring a sense of understanding to the game from a 1st person perspective that videos, text, and audio can't provide.
How we'll do this is as follows: Add me on B-net (DeCiBle.275) and we'll set up practice groups, e.g. - group A consists of 5 people with a weekly goal/theme (get player B comfortable against a 4 warp gate all in); group B consists of X people practicing a different goal. Basically I'll be the hub to connect you to the different groups practicing certain strategies that week.
If you don't want to play, but would instead like to offer helpful advice and observe: that's fine as well. The general idea is to get organized and help the community as a whole grow as players by offering helpful criticism on the weak spots in their play. (as well as create connections and make new friends/practice partners by matching people up with players who accel at other players' weak points)
TLDR: I'm trying to set up a wellfare gosucoaching. Add me!
(It's class time, I'll be back later to edit this post and clean it up)