Finals are next week. I have a few marginal grades, so I"m working working working working. Actually, a lot of marginal grades. Might only get a 4.2-4.4 this semester tt
So today I studied a crapton of APUS, some Math, but I"m sort of confused as to how to study. I've always done well without studying too much, and I feel that I'm being incredibly inefficient. Does anybody ahve advice as to how to study efficiently?
A lot of my time is going to be eaten by a really really stupid English project. Teacher "you'll have an essay on finals" Students "awwwwww"
Next day "You and a partner will write a combined ~=40 paragraphs and do an artistic booklet."
Me: WTH Others: YAYA no essay
So I"ve got a lot of work to do
In other news I watched some of hte Tl open on Tyler's stream, it was very nice. I was going to enter, but I had so much to do that I figured i'd do the one after next. I have no intentions of winning or qualifying, but I might be able to beat somebody, and maybe get lucky and lose to somebody famous. I'm on the brink of masters I think. It really depends if I can start beating one base all ins as zerg, and start creaming four gates as toss.
As a ministory I unscrewed my keyboard and got some debris out, ungookified a couple keys, and I love my keyboard now. I'm not sure what type of keyboard it is, but it's not mechanical, and it doesn't have a solid plastic layer underneath... Anyways, I really like it now, although it looks like a granny keyboard (my grandma actually has the same one lolz)
So now I'm only looking for a mouse. I have really small hands, use claw grip. Somebody recommended the salmosa, but I can't find a retailer that stocks them close by. Do you guys that own one like it. If I go to the berkeley LAN I might be able to try superiorwolf's.
Anyways, I'll take a quick break then back to studying.
Ah the obligatory "write a blog instead of study" blog
I remember when I studied for AP US what I realized was at that point it was either I knew the material or I didn't. This means that you should be reviewing the majority of the material and actually learning only a few bits and pieces here and there. If you seem lost, than try looking back at essay questions your APUS teacher game you and modify them a bit and see if you can answer them completely. I didn't rewrite any essays and I assume you won't have to either if you can see a question and know exactly what information to spit out.
Hopefully for math, you've kept up and just know most of the methods to solve problems. I remember for some math tests I would just flip through notes, skim hw, and just be done for the night and do fine on the test the next day just because I consistently did and understood the homework. It was a diff story in college when I tried to cram lol
LOL. Yeah.
It's obligatory. In any case I've studied for like 9 hours, so...
Salmosa is awesome, bought it like roughly a year and a half ago? Maybe even 2 years. No issues, great, small mouse perfect for starcraft.
razer abyssus is really awesome, basically same as salmosa but better i use it and i'm 15 (average/smallish hands), its pretty nice for claw, dont really know what my grip is, i just hold the fuckin mouse how i feel like
ewww junior? oO. i have a whole whiteboard of stuff to do actually. i'll post a picture..
+ Show Spoiler +http://i.imgur.com/o5g9w.jpg
but i woke up late and i'm on break .
for studying efficiently depends on how well you want to learn. If its not as important I study enough so that I know the general idea but not the specifics (which i figure out during the test). for things that matter like unit exams for chem I tend to study till i can do all the practice FRQs and stuff 100% and know why. ...so i guess for math and chem know why you're doing the thing while for APUSH know exactly how things happened and because of what. ie civil war causes: ( i paused for a second...) sectionalism from innovations like erie canal/cotton gin -> slavery becomes a major issue -> kansas/nebraska act -> dred scott -> other stuff -> lincoln elected ...as you can tell I need to study my ass off too ><
Salmosa is awesome mouse, ive used it for the last year or so and have had no problems.
Yeah, I'll look into abyssus. I jsut don't want ot pay that much. I have a crapton of money, but whenever I buy anything remotely connected to gaming they don't like it, so I'd like to buy a cheapish mouse to avoid a bit of that stigma.
In regards to that do you just do more and more practice FRQs?
On January 16 2011 12:54 Froadac wrote: In regards to that do you just do more and more practice FRQs? for chem? yeah. my teacher gives me a lot (and i look for some online/ from my study guides) so I do one, and if i don't know why i did one or got it wrong i review from my notes and do another one similar to it. also i try to not fail at sigfigs ><
Yeah. My teacher doesn't care much about sigfigs, but he doesn't really teach and the tests are sorta brutal...
On January 16 2011 12:56 Froadac wrote: Yeah. My teacher doesn't care much about sigfigs, but he doesn't really teach and the tests are sorta brutal...
how far in the curriculum are you guys at . our tests are harder than the AP test is supposed to be, which is great. bad teacher, oh god . do you study alone more or do you have study partners?
More alone :/
We just finished electrochem. We've done all the hard stuff first, supposedly. Acids bases equilibrium, kinetics, thermo, and stoichiometry.
wayyyy ahead of me, my gas/equilibrium test is this week i did better with a partner actually o.O. helped my test score a lot for chem. i dont really study that hard for APUSH though . half the class is essays and i just fail at them.
edit: do you use notecards :p
I ought to get a partner though.
I do well in essays.
The thing is we skipped the gas stuff. And theory stuff. All the "easy stuff". Have fun next semester tt
oh god haha.
might i ask, how marginal is marginal for your grades?
oh holy shit. your classes sound similar to mine lol. what other weighted classes do you have?
groups and flashcards are all i have for studying . but good luck
APUS CALCAB Wind Ensemble Honors Spanish AP Chem Honors English
te deseo buena suerte en tus pruebas oO