I don't bw anymore, but what always worked for me was going 2 gate range w/ robo. getting some early goons. if you see him going 2 fact you can easily stop it and if he isn't, grab a 2nd and a 3rd right after another.
at this point, put down a citadel and get speed. you NEED to have an obs watching his fact count. if it is 5 or 6 then he is coming with a timing push to abuse your double expo. with your 3 bases you can easily power macro from 9 gates without tech, or 7-8 with getting arb tech.
macro like a monster and position your army as close to his base as you can. this way, if you can't break his push outright, you have some room to stall until your tech or next macro round finishes.
breaking the push was the easy part for me. hotkey your zeals and goons seperately and have an obs following his army. right when he unsieges, go back to your gates and throw an extra round of zealots on no matter where you are on the cycle and rally them to your army. asap move your zealots into his tanks (not attack move, move) and attack with the goons to follow up. your zeals will die fast, but jump back to your gates and put another round of zealots on. by this time, your new speedy lots should have reached your army. throw them at his tanks again. keep up the pressure and back off when there are no more zeals.
if it becomes obvious you are losing more then gaining, back off. you delayed his push enough to hopefully get to arbs/carriers and secure a 4th. from then on it becomes "who can make more units faster after a 200/200 fight." just keep up the expansion and gateway count.
On January 13 2011 16:30 lastmotion wrote: ^ This is what I was thinking
Competent Terrans will position their tanks/mines so that when goons try to pick off mines, tanks are in range of the goons. Therefore, driving in with goons first will only hurt the goons, while if you sent in zealots first (even if its a small number), not only will it soak up the tanks but the sacrificial zealots also get rid of the mines since its gonna die anyway. I'm no PvT gosu so I could be 100% wrong Eh, I should've mentioned that it depends on the location of the mines.
If the mines are planted, you can send in few zealots first to take out the mines. However, don't send all of your zealots or you'll have nothing to counter the tanks. You'll eventually want to stick those zealots next to the tanks instead of melting early to the vultures.
You should have posted a replay anyways just so we all could have a laugh and maybe give you some constructive critisicm
1. Take expansions. Terran players are weak and cowardly and will generally only throw vultures/dropships to harass unless you show them fear 2. SHOW NO FEAR - just man through fields of mines/tanks. After a few spectacular losses, my PvT got infinitely better because I was no longer afraid to just charge in. You can reinforce faster than terran can, just keep trading army for army 3. Zealot heavy. At D+level, I find that zealots are incredible fire and forget weapons. Screw dragoons, I would make like 80:20 zeal to goon ratio armies, a-move, and just focus back on macro. 4. 2-base arbiter is ridiculous
Simply make units that require proper responses that low level terrans, even mid level terrans, can't respond passably against. Can they respond properly against a DT to not end up with a delayed expo? Even if they can, will they end up spending/wasting a lot of minerals on turrets when there is no threat? If you make a reaver, will they have anti air in the correct locations and their tanks positioned correctly to avoid losing their scvs? If you make an arbiter, will they be able to defend against recall or know how to push with science vessels? If you make carriers, will they even be able to scan them before you have too many to deal with?
PVT is so easy to keep getting advantages against most terran players. The counters to basically every unit require more skill/knowledge than most of the players you play will have.
On January 13 2011 18:07 Aesop wrote:It's hard to analyse exactly what goes wrong by what you tell. But it looks like your Gateway count is low for your respective number of expansions. I mean, 6 Gates off 3 bases is really not adequate, even as a rule of thumb. PvT, after some time, comes down to you being able to replenish your army quickly rather than killing him. If he turtles, what you need the most are Gateways and sufficient income to bump up quickly to 200/200 again after an exchange. You don't really need to kill him actively if you are ahead in expansions. Some content on Liquipedia might still be interesting for you. For example http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Push_Breaking is still very good. Mixing up your BOs with a DT drop here and there or a 10/15 isn't bad either. These might look cheesy on the paper, but it's interesting to transition out of them into a proper macro game.
This. ^^
Need more gates, need more units. At D+ levels it's always a good idea to have extra gates and produce more units than you need, just so you can crush him and punish him for any mistake (D+ players make a lot of mistakes ).
If you see him expand, you expand too. Don't take a too early 3rd, just mass and keep him contained. (this is best for ~D+/C- levels, once you get better, you'll get a better feel of how many less gateways and units you can get away with, and expand/tech earlier)
If he pushes, attack if you see a good opportunity, then retreat in the middle of the battle if you see you'll lose more than you gain. Otherwise, just keep your army relatively close to him, but don't engage. Keeping the army close gives you the opportunity to attack him if he's off-position or unsieged and slows him down as he has to be careful and siege/unsiege and put mines everywhere. Keep your groups of units in a (semi)circle around the enemy, always.
Many factories -> Push is coming soon, add gates and mass units. Low factories -> You expand, he's going to slowly take his thrid.
In mid-late game, once you have him contained or unable to break out easily, you can expand 1-2 times pretty safely.
PvT is so easy.. Just macro d00d